Meditate for Your Memory Challenge

Meditate for Your Memory Challenge

Join us for another week-long Kirtan Kriya meditation challenge! Every day we will meet via Zoom and teach participants how to practice Kirtan Kriya, followed by practicing together, and then a Q&A. First time meditators welcome – all skill levels are...

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President’s Message: How New Research Confirms Our Work

President’s Message: How New Research Confirms Our Work

As you may know, our 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention is the first and most complete program to prevent Alzheimer’s and even reverse it in its early stages. And we’ve been doing this work for three decades. Moreover, our partnership with FINGER, the largest study...

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President’s Message: Fixing Menopause Brain

President’s Message: Fixing Menopause Brain

Like many women her age, Lynn was losing her memory. Her main problem was that as she entered menopause her mind just started playing tricks on her. She had trouble remembering names, missed a couple of appointments, and in general just felt kind of droopy. She said...

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President’s Message: What is Holistic Aging?

President’s Message: What is Holistic Aging?

The answer may surprise you, but holistic aging is when you have a whole list of problems as you age. Haha, I wanted to keep it light for a change. The other day I was talking to a woman approaching 70. She shared that she was dealing with a serious autoimmune disease...

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The Secret to Meditation

The Secret to Meditation

When it comes to Kirtan Kriya and other forms of meditation, there are four main steps: 1.   Comfort: Choose an easy position with your feet on the floor. You can sit in a chair if you want. 2.   Quiet: Don’t check your phone or be on social media when you’re...

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Meet Our Meditation Leaders

Meet Our Meditation Leaders

We are thrilled to be offering another week-long meditation! Starting on Monday, February 19th to Friday, February 23rd we’ll have a different meditation leader so we can learn new perspectives to add to our practice. This is a free meditation event and no...

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President’s Message: The Beginnings of a Fantastic Year

President’s Message: The Beginnings of a Fantastic Year

I want to take a minute to congratulate you for being an important part of the Alzheimer’s prevention movement. Without our generous supporters, there’s no research, no programs, no progress. And guess what? Because of you, we’ve surpassed our year-end goal!...

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President’s Message: A Hopeful Closing to a Memorable Year

President’s Message: A Hopeful Closing to a Memorable Year

I’m beyond thrilled of all the fantastic endeavors that ARPF has accomplished this year: over 30 educational programs, our “A Glimpse of the Future Conference,” a new White Paper, multiple research publications and presentations at medical conferences, the creation of...

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