Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Kirtan Kriya

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Kirtan Kriya

We were delighted to see our research study featuring Kirtan Kriya called, “Cognitive and immunological effects of yoga compared to memory training in older women at risk for Alzheimer’s disease” receive attention from wellness industry leaders. Arnold...

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President’s Message: Manifesting a Fantastic Year Ahead

President’s Message: Manifesting a Fantastic Year Ahead

It’s going to be a good year. I can feel it. Can you? We at ARPF are carrying momentum and positive energy from 2024 and diving right into new programs and more… First, I want to take a minute to congratulate you for being an important part of the Alzheimer’s...

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Thank You to Our Donors: December

Thank You to Our Donors: December

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the foundation of championing Alzheimer’s.  In Honor Of William John...

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Why The Surgeon General Agrees With Us

Why The Surgeon General Agrees With Us

Does having a few drinks cause cancer? Read on to find out. When I was an intern, my professor had a few interesting ways of imparting knowledge. We once had very lively discussions around aspirin. Some of my fellow interns were arguing about a patient who had a very...

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All We Are Saying…

All We Are Saying…

Today I watched a YouTube video of Sir Paul McCartney in a live performance. Not sure when it was but it was great! Then again, I’m a huge Beatles fan ever since they burst on the scene in 1962-64. In fact, I remember hearing them on the radio on my way to high...

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The Real Secret to Stop Aging Revealed

The Real Secret to Stop Aging Revealed

In amazingly exciting late-breaking news, the real center of aging in your body is revealed. A group of scientists, building on previous research, discovered a little spot composed of only 10,000 neurons in a hidden corner of your hypothalamus or the brain’s brain....

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President’s Message: Our Legacy Marches Forward

President’s Message: Our Legacy Marches Forward

It’s that time of year again. Can you believe it? Time is flying by. Reminds me of the beautifully poignant and slightly haunting Judy Collins song from the late 60s, Who Knows Where The Time Goes. So yes, we’re closing in on the end of ’24 and on to 2025. Thanks to...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Kugelmass

Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Kugelmass

Volunteers play a significant role in the ongoing success of ARPF. Their expertise and devotion help us on a wide array of projects. Our team at ARPF couldn’t be more thankful for the community of supporters who are advancing Alzheimer’s prevention and...

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Thank You to Our Donors: November

Thank You to Our Donors: November

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the foundation of championing Alzheimer’s.  In Honor Of Mary DeanSandra...

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