We are deeply grateful to our longtime friend, Le Craven, IMBA Le was ARPF’s office manager and former Board Member for many years. She was originally drawn to the Foundation because of her [...]
We are deeply grateful to Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS for her year-end contribution to ARPF. Dr. Romano explained, “As we navigate the holiday season we are often asked to donate to many [...]
Your ARPF is honored to have collaborated this year with many great people to share the benefits of our 4 Pillar Program. With our Pink Brain™ Project at UCLA, we have completed critical research [...]
As you may know, our 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention is the first and most complete program to prevent Alzheimer’s and even reverse it in its early stages. And we’ve been doing this work for [...]
We are deeply thankful to be the beneficiary of the Silver Fox Classic Golf Outing. It’s a day dedicated to Ron Schulberger, who was highly respected and loved by his community. Every year [...]
Like many women her age, Lynn was losing her memory. Her main problem was that as she entered menopause her mind just started playing tricks on her. She had trouble remembering names, missed a [...]
We are thrilled to see our newest research cited in many prestigious publications. The Pink Brain™ Project is a study sponsored and designed by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation [...]
The answer may surprise you, but holistic aging is when you have a whole list of problems as you age. Haha, I wanted to keep it light for a change. The other day I was talking to a woman [...]
I want to take a minute to congratulate you for being an important part of the Alzheimer’s prevention movement. Without our generous supporters, there’s no research, no programs, no [...]
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to everyone who supported us last year. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2024! Yours in Brain Health, Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. ARPF President / [...]