Why The Surgeon General Agrees With Us

Does having a few drinks cause cancer? Read on to find out. When I was an intern, my professor had a few interesting ways of imparting knowledge. We once had very lively discussions around [...]


Donor Spotlight: Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS

We are deeply grateful to Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS for her year-end contribution to ARPF. Dr. Romano explained, “As we navigate the holiday season we are often asked to donate to many [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: November

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: October

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: September

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]


Announcing Two New Medical Textbooks Co-Edited by Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa, ARPF President

It was my honor to contribute to this important book series “Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease” for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The emphasis is on the development of novel [...]


New Cutting Edge Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

There’s an old expression: “The faster I go, the behinder I get.” Well, that applies to the conventional Alzheimer’s organizations and can be typified by the most recent issue of The Lancet, a [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: August

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]


The New Age of Longevity – Webinar

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of longevity has taken center stage, and our personal environment plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. This presentation delves into the [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: July

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]