New Cutting Edge Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention

There’s an old expression: “The faster I go, the behinder I get.” Well, that applies to the conventional Alzheimer’s organizations and can be typified by the most recent issue of The Lancet, a [...]


What is a Mantra?

What is a mantra? Can you define it? A mantra is simply a tool (tra) for the mind (man). And it is also so much more as you’ll soon discover! The word mantra is bandied about quite a bit these [...]


Meet Our Meditation Leaders

We are thrilled to be offering another week-long meditation! Starting on Monday, February 19th to Friday, February 23rd we’ll have a different meditation leader so we can learn new [...]


A Letter to Our Supporters


President’s Message: A Fascinating 30 Years Conference

I can hardly believe that it’s already been a month since our “30 Years of Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference.” Can you? What a great conference. It was fitting for a 30th [...]


Just Announced: Join Larry Griner for Lunch

Here’s another reason to attend the 30 Years of Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference. You get to participate in roundtable discussions at the Lunch with the Expert. Grab your lunch and sit [...]


Why Yoga Therapists are Attending the Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference

I’d like to introduce you to ARPF’s friend, Amy DiLillo, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, BLS. She is a yoga therapist and serves on the Educational Advisory Committee for ARPF. Amy will be [...]


Spiritual Fitness & The Power of Enlightenment

What is enlightenment? Spiritually, enlightenment is synonymous with self-realization and living in touch with your true and best self. This is one of the topics that will be discussed at [...]


For Women: Critical Late-Breaking News

I’ve just received the latest edition of the prestigious Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and it has a critically important article for women. This paper is from our latest research at UCLA [...]


President’s Message: #1 Thing You Can Do For Your Health Right Now

I was just reading a medical report that revealed that this is the most stressful time in human history. So I started thinking about other times. I have no idea what it was like 2,000 years ago [...]

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