Strength, Power, Resistance: Get Stronger as you Age with Proper Exercise

Updated: Click HERE to join this fall’s “30 Years of Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference” in Scottsdale, AZ (also available via live-stream) this September 30th to learn [...]


How to Get Your Brain NeuroFit

ARPF Scientific Advisory Council member Annie Fenn, MD, chef and founder of Brain Health Kitchen, and Stacy Fisher of Fisher Fitness organized a virtual brain health retreat that focuses on [...]


How Exercise Saves Your Cognition

Exercise is a huge aspect of brain health– that’s why it’s one of ARPF’s 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention®. Study after study has revealed the incredible benefits of [...]


The Lancet and Spiritual Fitness

The 4th Pillar of Alzheimer’s Prevention® is Spiritual Fitness. Developing your Spiritual Fitness, or psycho-spiritual well-being, may very well help you reduce your risk of Mild Cognitive [...]