
What Our BLTT Graduates Are Saying

 In General
“This is the ultimate wellbeing program. Opportunities are everywhere– we just need more presenters. And besides, you need to do this for yourself.”– Janice Vick
Brain Longevity Therapy Training graduate Janice Vick, Oncology Massage Therapist, has been presenting the 4 Pillars for Alzheimer’s Prevention and Kirtan Kriya meditation in her community since 2012. She became a BLTT specialist at the first training held at UCLA in 2017. She currently teaches this program as an adjunct professor at her local community college, at community events and at local churches.
How has attending the BLTT benefitted your career?
As pharmaceutical companies move toward canceling research and development of drugs for Alzheimer’s, it is now obvious that ARPF’s program has been– and will continue to be– one of the leading sources of peer-review research in prevention. As a Brain Longevity Specialist, sharing not only the research, but a proven holistic lifestyle program (ARPF’s 4 Pillars of Prevention) has made me a connection for the public to the leading medical professionals at the forefront of Alzheimer’s research.
What do your students get out of this new knowledge, and how has it shaped the way you work?  
My students remove their fear by replacing it with empowerment through education. They are given today’s best hope that is not a false hope.
I never expected, when I took the BLTT training, that it had within it what could be an avocation, a whole career unto itself. That’s when I became very excited at the prospect of not just presenting the ultimate wellness program, but being able to present a business program to recruit more trained specialists in this critical work.
What opportunities has it led to?
Once you become familiar with the research, you see opportunities for real-life application everywhere. I am creating follow up programs to fill needs expressed by my students. I am wanting to explore inviting other community resources to partner in providing their services and expertise to complete serving those living a 4 Pillars lifestyle. I want to “brand” if you will, ARPF 4 Pillar’s program and also encourage others to take BLTT for their own wellness– think of the oxygen mask theory– as they share it with others.
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Janice is a Master Wellness Volunteer for the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and has been awarded recognition for her Health and Wellness programs by the Texas State Senate and Texas A&M University. As the owner of Oncology Massage of Waco, she has an holistic practice of evidence based therapies for those who live with chronic conditions and pain.
Janice lives with her husband and five-year-old Yorkie Lulu in Woodway, Texas. She enjoys travel, gardening, being active in several civic groups, and remaining life-long friends with those she worked with for over 27 years as a court reporter. Her brightest joy is being active in the family life of her two married daughters and three extraordinary granddaughters. Janice is grateful to be able to support and share the vital health enhancing programs of ARPF.
The next Brain Longevity Therapy Training takes place on October 12-14, 2018 in Washington, D.C. Take advantage of the Early Bird rate before August 20th here.
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