
UCLA Study Finds Kirtan Kriva a Success

 In General

In yet another landmark study, the benefits that Kirtan Kriva has on memory and overall wellbeing have been tried and tested true.  ARPF sponsored UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry in a study that put Kirtan Kriva and Kundalini yoga up against Memory Enhancement Training (crossword puzzles, computer-based programs, etc.)  Helen Lavretsky, study author, professor and researcher at UCLA’s Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, divided the participants into two groups–one practicing Kirtan Kriva (15 minutes a day) and yoga (1 hour a week) and the other using MET (15 minutes a day).  After 12 weeks, the results were in.  

Both groups had changes in their brain connectivity (cellular connections and communication in the brain and with the central nervous system), but the changes in the Kirtan Kriva group were more profound.  This group also showed improvement, on average, in tests of visual-spatial memory (where you put your glasses, for example) which is important for depth perception, balance, and overall navigation.  The Kirtan Kriva group also fared better when it came to reducing feelings of anxiety and depression, and resilience to stress and improving coping skills.  As we continue to unlock more Alzheimer’s preventive measures, remember we have not reached our final destination.  Through your support, your ARPF is steadily clearing the path to a better life and mind and we are grateful for the difference your care has made for us.


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Alzheimer's Research and Prevention

"Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) is a great opportunity to discover the latest practical research application of yoga, meditation, and spirituality for the prevention and reversal of cognitive decline. Become a leader in the field of meditation and memory."