

Baby boomers are the fastest-growing segment of our population and today almost 6 million adults are struggling with Alzheimer’s in the U.S. alone. Worldwide, that number is estimated to be at least 50 million people. Around the globe, someone is diagnosed every 3 seconds. You can become part of the movement towards healthy aging and Alzheimer’s prevention through this highly informative, on-demand Certification program, now available to everyone in the world. This training is perfectly suited for yoga teachers, therapists, and healthcare providers to enhance your practice and/or class instruction. As a participant, you will increase your knowledge and credibility around neuroscience and yoga and the impact meditation has on the brain. Plus, you’ll walk away with practical tools you can start implementing on day 1 to enhance your teaching and/or practice.



This course is developed as a fully virtual training. The online work will be available immediately upon registration, so you can learn from the comfort of your home and take open-book exams. For the completion of the course, we will schedule an online Practicum session. The Practicum is the final step to activating your membership as a Certified Brain Longevity Specialist. It will be a simple, 10-minute presentation based on a BLTT-related topic of your choice. We will, of course, explain this in more detail ahead of time.  



  • History of ARPF and its work 
  • Functional Brain Anatomy
  • Etiology of Alzheimer’s disease including a comprehensive review of medical and lifestyle risk factors
  • Stress management protocols that incorporate evidence-based yoga therapy protocols
  • The importance of sleep & socialization
  • Module 1: Introduction and Overview
  • Module 2: Brain Anatomy
  • Module 3: Women and AD
  • Module 4: The Brain Longevity Diet
  • Module 5: The Brain Longevity Supplements
  • Module 6: Stress Management Through Yoga
  • Module 7: Physical Exercise
  • Module 8: Mental Exercise 
  • Module 9: The Power of Socialization 
  • Module 10: Spiritual Fitness
  • Module 11: The Importance of Sleep
  • Module 12: The Psychology of Longevity
  • Module 13: What’s In Your Diet?
  • Module 14: From Pyramids to Principles
  • Module 15: The Brain Longevity Yoga Exercises for Every-Body
  • Module 16: Creating Your Daily Schedule
  • Module 17: Sample Weight Training Routine
  • Module 18: Caring For The Care Partner
  • Module 19: The Gut Biome-Brain Connection
  • Module 20: Oral Health
  • Module 21: White Paper
  • Module 22: JAD Research Article
  • Bonus 1 Video: Feed Your Brain
  • Bonus 2 Video: The Telomere Effect
  • Bonus 3 Video: What’s New in AD Prevention
  • Bonus 4 Video: FINGER Study: Lifestyle Changes in Decreasing Dementia Risk
  • Bonus 5 Video: How Practicing Kindness Enhances Your Spiritual Fitness
  • Bonus 6 Video: Kirtan Kriya Research at West Virginia University 
  • Bonus 7 Video: Best Practices in Implementing Yoga Therapy
  • Bonus 8 Video: The Latest on Cognitive Reserve Research



  • Brain Longevity® Specialist Certificate
  • Use of the exclusive Brain Longevity® Specialist logo for marketing purposes
  • Comprehensive training manual, with comprehensive essays and instructor notes (downloadable)
  • Powerpoint slides ready for your use in presentations and workshops (downloadable)
  • Talking points for each slide so you can give a presentation on any of these topics right away  
  • 23.5 CE hours for the following allied healthcare providers: Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Counselors/Marriage and Family Therapists, Creative Arts Therapists, Chemical Dependency Counselors
  • 23.5 CE credits for yoga therapists and yoga teachers
  • 14 CE credits for Physical Therapists 
  • One-year membership and directory listing
  • One-year Continuing Education via webinars, mentoring and coaching support



Yoga teachers/therapists of all traditions

Registered Nurses/Nurse Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Life/Wellness Coaches, Nutritionists, Psychologists/Mental Health Practitioners, Integrative/Holistic Medicine Practitioners, Caregivers, Certified Care Managers.

Questions? Please email Chelsea Pyne, BLTT Assistant, at Chelsea@alzheimersprevention.org.

“I use the information from this training ALL THE TIME.” – Carol Hahn, Registered Nurse, Certified Brain Longevity Trainer, Certified Dementia Practitioner, and Registered Yoga Teacher.

Learn how Carol uses BLTT certification in her many roles. Imagine, you can gain crucial knowledge on Alzheimer’s prevention from the comfort of your home and watch your business grow.


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Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD
Founding President and Medical Director, ARPF, Tucson, AZ

Chris Walling, Psy.D., MBA, C-IAYT
BLTT Lead Trainer, Chairman, Education & Outreach Committee, ARPF
President, United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, Los Angeles, CA

Dale Atkins, PhD
Author, psychologist, lecture and presenter, New York City, NY

Elissa Epel, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, CA

Lori R. Fazzio, DPT, C-IAYT
Clinical Director of Yoga Therapy Program at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA

Annie Fenn, MD
Women’s health specialist and Founder of Brain Health Kitchen, a cooking school that fights Alzheimer’s and dementia, Jackson Hole, WY

Christian Habeck, PhD
Associate Professor of Neuroimaging (in Neurology and the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain) at Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Carol Hahn, R.N., RYT, RPT
Certified Brain Longevity Specialist & Nurse Educator, Los Angeles, CA

Karen (Kim) Innes, MSPH, PhD
Professor, Department of Epidemiology
WVU School of Public Health, Morgantown, WV

Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD 
Founder, Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER), Stockholm, Sweden

Arti Prasad, MD, FACP
Chief of Medicine, Hennepin Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN

Learn more about our faculty here.


What Other Participants Have Said:

I was so pleased with the wealth of information, not to mention research and studies presented at the Brain Longevity train the trainer curriculum to help prevent Alzheimer’s. I gained a deeper understanding of the 4 pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention and Dementia, especially stress reduction through yoga and meditation. It was an honor to hear from Dr. Khalsa and Dr. Walling among all their scholarly researchers and physicians. I highly recommend this training to all those that are passionate and excited to help prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia and looking forward to educating as many individuals as I can.
–Teresa Salama, MHA, CWWPM

This training was a great opportunity to expand my professional activity. The Brain Longevity approach and recommendations were so well received that other professionals wished to take the training as well. So, I developed a certification course for Italy in cooperation with the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation, had the opportunity to certify 10 people and already have plans for more training courses this year.
–Alessia Tanzi, Yoga Coach

Dr. Walling’s presentations were the most in-depth and articulate presentations I have received throughout my career. The delivery and execution of all materials were well planned and prepared for ease of digesting complex thought for clear comprehension. The content for the entire course was very valuable for me as the foundational content provides clear references and cross referencing for my own course development. The teacher notes and slides provided for the teachers are an additional generous resource for gleaning specific information to utilize in my evolving programs.
–Leslie Van Grove, Kundalini Yoga Teacher

This was one of the most amazing experiences that I have had. The training exceeded all my expectations and was so much more than a training… it was an awakening for all of us to go out into the world and make a difference.
–Nicole Marcione, PhD Student

This was an incredible workshop filled with valuable information & so many resources! Thank you for your work and generosity in helping us succeed in spreading this invaluable information.
–Kristy Manuel, Yoga Therapist

The staff is exceptional and very accommodating. Materials and organization of the curriculum were great and beyond expectations. Speakers were awesome and leaders in their field.
–Evalani Manzon, Yoga Therapist 

Modern medicine lacks the skills and effective approaches necessary for coping with the existing epidemic in lifestyle-driven noncommunicable diseases, among which Alzheimer’s disease is a notable burden. Yoga and related positive lifestyle behavioral practices are now known to be effective preventive strategies. This comprehensive, research-informed and yoga-based certification program includes a strong focus on memory and cognitive functioning, detailed practices of meditation, breath regulation, mantra and yoga exercises, together with education on nutrition and the positive impact of social interactions and spirituality. It is a complete program for health and prevention.

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Editor, International Journal of Yoga Therapy
Editor, The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care
Research Director, Kundalini Research Institute


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When Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Founding President of the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF), first created this program in the early 1990s, it was a revolutionary idea. Since then, we at ARPF have seen first-hand how the 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention® have helped people of all ages and backgrounds improve their brain function. We now want to share the research and clinical results with you, so that you can bring these tools to your community and become part of the movement to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of memory loss and cognitive disability.



Begin your course as soon as you register. You have up to one year to complete the training and get your Brain Longevity Specialist Certificate and listing in the Directory. 

The course is composed of 30 modules. Most modules have a video and a book chapter to read. Then at the end of the module there is an open-book exam required (some are handouts, no exam for those). The minimum required score is 80% and you have 10 opportunities to take the test. 

At the end of the course, we will organize a practicum session with a few other participants so that you can give your final exam: a short presentation on a topic of your choice within this curriculum. You may submit your presentation via video if preferred. 

We are delighted to offer this course at an incredibly low introductory price.


Register Now


Chelsea Pyne is ARPF Educational Programs Coordinator and your point of contact. Please email her at Chelsea@alzheimersprevention.org.


ARPF understands that sometimes plans change and that is why we have the following Cancellation/Refund Policy: All cancellations must be submitted in writing to kirti@alzheimersprevention.org within 48 hours of registration. We will process a full refund minus a minimal processing fee. Cancellations received after 3 days from registration are non-refundable and can be applied to another program.   

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) is committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with accreditation agencies and boards. ARPF will comply with all responsibilities to be nondiscriminatory in activities, program content, and in treatment of participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, Kirti Khalsa.

While ARPF attempts to assure fair treatment of all participants, we recognize grievances that may require intervention. Grievances are handled in the following manner: When a participant, either orally or in written format, files a grievance, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), will evaluate the nature of the complaint. If it is meritorious, CEO will instruct the staff to implement any necessary changes in the course. The complainant will receive a response from the CEO, or designated staff within 5 working days.

You may file a complaint by telephone or email. 
Telephone #: 888.908.5766 Email: kirti@alzheimersprevention.org

"Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) is a great opportunity to discover the latest practical research application of yoga, meditation, and spirituality for the prevention and reversal of cognitive decline. Become a leader in the field of meditation and memory."