Announcing Two New Medical Textbooks Co-Edited by Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa, ARPF President

It was my honor to contribute to this important book series “Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease” for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The emphasis is on the development of novel [...]


President’s Message: Some Good News For A Change

I want to share some great news from your ARPF that will hopefully offset some of the challenges we hear about every day. Our article Spiritual Fitness: A New Dimension in Alzheimer’s Disease [...]


What I Learned From Maria Shriver

By Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD Last week I participated in a great webinar called Brain It On. Clever name for a very serious conference. The conference was sponsored by Maria Shriver’s organization [...]


Making Strides in Spiritual Fitness

By Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa I am pleased to announce that my article, “Spiritual Fitness: A New Dimension in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention” was published in the prestigious Journal of [...]


Research Update

We are pleased to share the press release of the publication of my latest article, “Spiritual Fitness: A New Dimension in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention.” Meditative Practice and [...]