Study finds dementia patients have greater risk of COVID-19

A recent study, COVID‐19 and dementia: Analyses of risk, disparity, and outcomes from electronic health records in the US, has found a new strategy to help control the COVID-19 pandemic– protect [...]


ARPF’s Scientific Approach to Alzheimer’s Prevention

2020 has been a historic and uncertain year for everyone and we hope that you are staying healthy and safe into this New Year!  While the focus has been on mitigating the spread of Covid-19, the [...]


President’s Message: Free Covid Report

Dear Friends, Because I want you to do everything possible to stay healthy and avoid getting sick this winter, I’ve prepared a special report for you, available at absolutely no charge. The [...]


ARPF Celebrates YOU

COVID-19 has made volunteering and fundraising a difficult hurdle to jump. Without in-person events, it has been hard to maintain connections and continue supporting those in need. Luckily, [...]


More Breaking News on Covid-19 & Your Brain

As Covid-19 cases and deaths have continued to climb, we can expect an additional surge this Fall. Beyond that, there is emerging research revealing that even when a patient survives Covid, [...]


The Lancet Reports on Prevention Success

We are thrilled to share that another major medical journal, The Lancet, has published a report on the success of preventing Alzheimer’s through the modification of risk factors. It is titled, [...]


September Webinar: How to Successfully Work with Residents in a Senior Community

We are delighted to present ARPF's next webinar: How to Successfully Work with Residents in a Senior Community. We will discuss how COVID-19 is affecting residents in senior living and how you [...]


Maintaining Brain Health Webinar Bundle– Now Available

Discover active coping strategies to maintain brain health during high-stress situations (particularly COVID-19) through our newest bundle. This educational trifecta includes a 1-hour webinar, [...]