ARPF was honored to have a sneak peek of Stefano May’s new single “Hope It Will Remind You” during our Brain Longevity® Symposium in October. Now, on January 18th, it’s [...]
PRESS RELEASE The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) Announces Momentous Partnership with Emerging Artist Stefano May Alzheimer’s prevention message now spread through [...]
Dementia is not a normal part of aging, yet every year 10 million new cases are diagnosed. Everyone you love, care about, and will ever meet, plus millions more, may at some time or the other [...]
By Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD For the first time in over 20 years, the U.S. FDA recently approved a new drug, aducanumab, for Alzheimer’s disease, which afflicts an estimated 6 million Americans. We [...]