
Stress Management Through Yoga– A Sneak Peek

 In General

Please enjoy this excerpt on Stress Management Through Yoga brought to you by our Online Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT). 

Stress, at the most basic level, is defined as strain and tension—a disruption in homeostasis, or internal equilibrium. The stress response occurs along the body’s HPA axis (for hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal cortex). When stressed, the brain’s hypothalamus sends a message down to the pituitary gland, which alerts the adrenal glands atop the kidneys. Heart rate goes up, engaging the muscles and lungs and the brain itself. Blood vessels constrict. In other words, it’s a whole-body experience. And that means it has whole-body consequences.

Like stress itself, cortisol is both needed and problematic. In stressful situations, this hormone helps the body resist the stressors and maintain homeostasis, or as close to homeostasis as possible. But too much equates to brain cell death and widespread disease. The tragedy is that cortisol destroys the exact same brain cells that send messages to stop its production.  

Numerous studies have proven that yoga’s focus not only on physical movement and posture but also on breathing, visualization, and meditation make it the ultimate stress buster. Managing chronic stress is an absolutely vital element of any Alzheimer’s prevention strategy. Yoga and meditation are some of the most effective tools in combating the negative effects of stress. However, not every yogic practice will yield the same brain health results.

Transcendental Meditation (TM) uses a secret, silent, prescribed sound or mantra as its tool. Mindfulness meditation or Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a Buddhist approach with a focus on the breath as its primary tool. There has been a reasonable amount of research on these techniques. However, they are both time-consuming and perhaps impractical for many people. That’s why ARPF endorses Kirtan Kriya (KK)—which, translated, means “singing exercise complete in itself”—from the kundalini yoga tradition.  

ARPF has been researching KK since 2003. And we’ve been astounded by and thrilled with what we’ve uncovered in each and every study.

To learn how to use this highly effective, simple 12-minute meditation, join our team of Certified Brain Longevity Specialists. Through our program, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to acquire optimal brain health. You’ll also receive resources to incorporate KK and other prevention techniques into your own wellness program. Whether it be for personal reasons or professional ones… BLTT will take you to the next level.

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