
President’s Message: The Power of Strength

 In Alzheimer's Prevention Tips, Alzheimer's Research, Brain Longevity Therapy Training, General, Newsletter

A menopausal woman fell and broke both her lower legs. The break is partially due to osteoporosis and also very much from having weak leg muscles; especially her quads, in the front of the legs. Beyond that, she didn’t have the arm and chest strength she needed to adequately protect herself.

Don’t think she was debilitated before she fell, she wasn’t. In fact, she was pretty active.

But her quads were weak and, along with your biceps and chest muscles, they are one of the most important muscles in the body.

Strength training is often forgotten when creating a good brain health program for your recommended 150 minutes of exercise each week. Of course, both cardio and strength training are important for your long-term brain, heart, immune system, and GI health, but strength training is sometimes overlooked.

Strength training makes you feel amazing because it raises your endorphin levels and also that awesome brain and body chemical called anandamide, which means bliss. Plus you create so much energy.

So please pump it up. Go to a gym or create your own home gym. Get a personal trainer if you’d like but make sure you add strength training to your workouts.

You’ll love it!

Strength training is part of our 4 Pillars of Diet, Stress Management, Exercise, and Spiritual Fitness that make up our world’s #1 Brain Longevity Training Program (BLTT).

And now we are offering our newly updated curriculum at a reduced price. Check it out here. You’ll be thrilled.

The next 12 people who register at the new lower price will also claim our exciting Brain Longevity Cookbook full of delicious and nutritious recipes.

So don’t delay. Register today.


Yours in Brain Health,


Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

President / Medical Director

P.S. Annie Fenn, M.D. best-selling author of The Brain Healthy Kitchen, and a contributor to our curriculum says, “BLTT is a must for anyone interested in living a long life with a clear mind.”

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