President’s Message: Our Legacy Marches Forward
It’s that time of year again. Can you believe it? Time is flying by. Reminds me of the beautifully poignant and slightly haunting Judy Collins song from the late 60s, Who Knows Where The Time Goes. So yes, we’re closing in on the end of ’24 and on to 2025.
Thanks to your support and our hard work, we’ve accomplished a lot in ‘24:
- Completed The Pink Brain Project at UCLA, which resulted in 5 papers in esteemed medical journals. This project was our most ambitious and frankly expensive one yet. Well into 6 figures. But as I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s worth it to reveal that women can most assuredly prevent and reverse memory loss with our Yoga and Kirtan Kriya meditation program. It’s so gratifyingly positive.
- Beyond that, as you may know, we’ve had multiple other papers published, close to 50 altogether on our work. Plus others where we worked in tandem with the now famous FINGER study. We suggested and sponsored a study that they carried out looking at the effect of a program (not unlike our 4 Pillars) on telomere length. It revealed that telomeres were longer in people who followed our program. That means having a better mind, memory, enhanced health, and longevity.
- We also worked with FINGER again at our suggestion and sponsorship on revealing that the program helped participants touch their spirit, what I call Spiritual Fitness, our 4th Pillar. Those who followed the program enjoyed better psychological and spiritual well-being. Very gratifying indeed.
- Of super significance, our work has brought profound healing and impact with enduring benefits to many people. Our Brain Longevity Therapy Training Program (BLTT) is touching people around the globe.
- We are proud to be the only brain health program featuring our scientifically proven yoga and meditation pillar. With three decades of experience, we are truly the pioneer in this field. Our dedicated graduates go into senior centers, teach individual classes, and work with people privately and virtually.
- We clearly have the best and finest faculty and graduates in the world.
What a year, right?
In 2025, our mission is to keep going forward. Here’s how:
- We are using the power of focus to work with UCLA to create a powerful app so our next study can be carried out in this very high-level way.
- Your ARPF plans on adding a 5th Pillar, that of Environmental Wellness. This is critically important because recent profound medical research has clearly revealed that environmental pollution, climate change, and weather stress has a profoundly negative effect on your health, including your brain. We feel compelled to do our part to help people take care during these stressful times.
- We also are focused on expanding the worldwide reach of our BLTT program.
For over three decades, we have marched forward to serve humanity. And it is the commitment and help of our donors that makes all our work possible. We have built a legacy that will live on and it is all because of our donors.
We need your donation now to help us reach our fundraising goal for the rest of the year.
There are many ways to help.
One is to simply give a $122 one-time donation now. That’s only around 33 cents a day.
There are also other ways, which you can find here.
Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director