
President’s Message: Happy Anniversary and A Meditation Challenge

 In Alzheimer's Prevention Tips, General, Kirtan Kriya, KK Meditation, Meditation, Newsletter, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention

On the eve of your ARPF’s 29th anniversary, I recall our humble beginnings. We have grown over the years thanks to you and your support. We’re celebrating by offering you a chance to participate in our upcoming Meditate for Your Memory Challenge. We are repeating this fantastic initiative because it was so much fun to meditate together last year.

One of my early mentors and supporters recently passed away. Herbert Benson, M.D., with whom I studied at Harvard’s Mind-Body Medical program and who later appeared at two seminars I organized. Dr. Benson was a brilliant and very sweet man.

March is Women’s History Month. I want to acknowledge the brilliant women who have been our research partners: Miia Kivipelto, MD, PhD, Helen Lavretsky, MD and Kim Innes, PhD, as well as the women serving on our Board and Scientific Advisory Council. Equally as important, are the women working with ARPF as staff and volunteers, and all those who make a difference every day in your family and community. I’m also keenly aware that women are at higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease than men. In fact, two-thirds of all cases are women, as we discussed before.

That’s why I’m so happy to report that our research at UCLA on using yoga and our Kirtan Kriya (KK) simple singing memory meditation has revealed positive results. Women who already have memory issues along with heart disease and menopause have shown an improvement in brain function and an increase in the size of their gray matter, a mark of a younger and better functioning brain.

These results are crucial because, regardless of what you may have heard, there are no drugs that either prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s disease or earlier forms of memory loss. Indeed, the only proven way to lessen your risk is to adopt a program such as our 4 Pillars that includes diet, yoga and meditation, and psych-spiritual well-being.

I look forward to seeing you at the Meditation Challenge and other programs we have planned for you this month.

As always, thank you for your continued support. You can donate here or explore other ways to give here.


Yours in Brain Health,

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director


PS: Did you know we now accept gifts of cryptocurrency?

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