Like many women her age, Lynn was losing her memory. Her main problem was that as she entered menopause her mind just started playing tricks on her. She had trouble remembering names, missed a couple of appointments, and in general just felt kind of droopy.
She said that the old song by The Stones with the line, “What a drag it is growing old,” really applied to her, as it does so many women these days. But I have great news for Lynn and anyone else experiencing menopause brain: Our latest research project, called The Pink Brain™ Project, carried out at UCLA, reveals that by doing our easy, well- studied, memory meditation called Kirtan Kriya, all of these symptoms can be stopped in their tracks.
Beyond that, our study illustrates that Kirtan Kriya has an anti-aging effect on your brain. That’s right. Doing Kirtan Kriya only once a day for 12 minutes gives your brain a total makeover making it younger by at least 12 years.
So I leave you here today with two thoughts:
First: please do Kirtan Kriya every morning. It’s a terrific way to start your day and 12 minutes gives you back 12 years.
Download it here.
Second: For only 33 cents a day or $10 bucks a month you can make a huge difference by helping us continue our research and educational programs.
Thank you.
Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
ARPF President / Medical Director
Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease