
President’s Message: Brave Thinking

 In General

Happy Fall! Here in Northern New Mexico, the leaves are turning a beautiful golden color as the trees outside my window start letting go of summer.

We’re working hard on launching our newly updated and futuristic Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) curriculum. The final touches are being applied as we “speak.”

What makes our BLTT training program, with over 800 graduates thus far, so unique is that it is the ONLY program to specialize in Yoga and Meditation, especially our well-studied and proven Kirtan Kriya, a simple meditation with profound effects; more than any other.

In fact, Kirtan Kriya has stood alone in its effect on Alzheimer’s prevention and reversal.

We’re also the only program to feature our 4th Pillar, Spiritual Fitness, based on my groundbreaking research and article published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Moreover, a leading medical journal in the field of Age Management asked me to write an article on the latest advances in Alzheimer’s disease prevention.

The complete article is featured as an editorial here in which Spiritual Fitness is discussed more deeply.

We are excited about all our published research (55 papers now) and our Brain Longevity Training Program.

When you become a Brain Longevity Specialist you not only help yourself feel better and stop memory loss in its tracks, you also help others.

That way you’ll be happy and make other people happy too.

You’ll also discover a new way to increase your income if you want to.

Stay with us. We’re the leader in Alzheimer’s Prevention and Brain Longevity Training.


Yours in Brain Health,


Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

President / Medical Director

P.S. Annie Fenn, M.D. best-selling author of The Brain Healthy Kitchen, and a contributor to our curriculum says, “BLTT is a must for anyone interested in living a long life with a clear mind.”

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