OSHA Employees learn Kirtan Kriya
ARPF was delighted to teach The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) employees the Kirtan Kriya (KK) meditation. There will always be stress in our lives – learning how to cope with it makes all the difference.
That’s why Stress Management is one of the 4 Pillars of Prevention® and a big part of a healthy work environment. Kirtan Kriya is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress known to science! We are grateful that OSHA was so receptive to learning this meditation and sharing it with its employees.
Kirtan Kriya is not just for those who want to reverse memory decline – it’s for anyone who wants to improve their brain function, have better concentration and focus, maintain clarity, process information faster, and sleep better. It’s a meditation for all ages.
To learn more about KK and stress management, click here.
To download the Kirtan Kriya music, click here.