
Online BLTT Welcomes New Graduates

 In Brain Longevity Therapy Training

ARPF would like to congratulate Douglas H. as the first graduate of the Online Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT). Douglas is now one of ARPF’s certified Brain Longevity Specialists– a group of graduates who specialize in working with older adults to improve brain health and prevent Alzheimer’s. We are excited to see how Douglas will use his certification to better the world around him.

Douglas explained why he chose to become a certified Brain Longevity Specialist:

“Over the years I have observed many who are close to me lose their full mental capacity. This limits their ability to carry on a normal daily function routine other than the very basics of life. I would like to assist in the prevention or delay of that disability.  

I became acquainted with dementia at a fairly young age as I was visiting my grandfather for what turned out to be the last time. He seemed really strange from what I had remembered of him; as he was using language that was unbecoming of his behavior. I didn’t realize at the time that he had entered a different mental state. Most recently, another person close to me has entered the same mental state that I now recognize as dementia. As we all know, it is disheartening at best. 

I was very fortunate to have been introduced to Kirtan Kriya at a symposium that was being conducted by the National Institutes of Health which I was invited to as a Yoga Instructor when I was teaching at Penn State University around 2008. Rachael Levine was the moderator. I witnessed a presentation and was offered a CD of Kirtan Kriya. I was intrigued by the concept and so I have held it close to my heart and have introduced it at Penn State and also to my local yoga classes from time to time. Now, with the advancing of age, I myself have started using Kirtan Kriya on a fairly consistent basis in hopes of delaying the onset of cognitive memory decline and potentially Alzheimer’s disease.

My goal now is to make a presentation to those interested in such a way as to help them achieve a consistent practice. With the bundle of information and the revealing of the in-depth studies, I feel that I am better prepared to present not only Kirtan Kriya but the additional Pillars of Prevention; again, to hopefully stave off the onset of this debilitating mental/physical state and the anguish that it causes to not only those inflicted, but to the caretakers and relatives that suffer as they witness the mental decline of those that they love.”

Douglas H.
2020 BLTT Graduate

BLTT is about applying integrative medicine and modifying risk factors for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It also offers hands-on tips for people who already have AD (especially at the early stages) and shows each participant the proven steps to take to help eradicate this disease. The program, which is based on decades of science, demonstrates how these interventions (i.e. a simple yogic meditation, healthy diet, etc.) can slow the development of dementia. The information can be used in so many ways, it’s incredibly versatile in application.

For more information, click here.

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