
New Cutting Edge Breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s Prevention

 In Alzheimer's Prevention Tips, Alzheimer's Research, Brain Health, Brain Longevity Therapy Training, Health, Kirtan Kriya, KK Meditation, Meditation

We have great news for you! We just launched our new Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) course and for the next week, you’ll receive a special launch price. Brain health will never be more affordable.

Don’t wait… your mind is everything! It’s not only crucial to your health but to the health of your family and community.

There’s an old expression: “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Well, that applies to the conventional Alzheimer’s organizations and can be typified by the most recent issue of The Lancet, a fabled medical journal. In that issue, the writers state, “The potential for prevention is high and, overall, nearly half of dementias could theoretically be prevented by eliminating 14 risk factors.” That is a breakthrough thought, especially coming from such a conventional journal.

On investigation, however, their risk factor list and interventions are behind the times. Many risk factors well-known to BLTT practitioners, such as chronic stress, are only briefly mentioned by The Lancet.

Similarly, yoga and meditation, well proven to not only decrease stress but also improve cognition are strikingly absent.

Beyond that, the treatment of depression, smoking cessation, and especially hypertension, are all amenable to our Kirtan Kriya meditation, which we have studied for two decades.

Kirtan Kriya has no side effects and is fast, affordable, and easy to do on a regular basis. Your clients will love it. In fact, I heard from a teacher today who said his group has done Kirtan Kriya for over a year straight, with amazing benefits.

Other Alzheimer’s risk factors such as weight control, are also helped by yoga along with following a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fruit and some fish and whole grains if tolerated but little red meat and minimal alcohol consumption.3 Following this type of regime reverses brain aging by 12 years. Moreover, following this diet or a similar plan called DASH, delays neurodegeneration as well as helps prevent cardiovascular disease, a clear risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed, the more “Medi” the diet, the less brain pathology. As stated in The Lancet, “a high diet quality relative to low diet quality was associated with lower dementia risk.”

All of these evidence-based, proven pillars are revealed in our new BLTT Curriculum.

The beautiful thing about BLTT and Kirtan Kriya and the rest of our work is that it can be shared in supportive community environments, like classes, which is great.

Even more profound, is that our work done at UCLA called The Pink BrainTM Project, shows that menopausal women who followed our yoga and meditation program had great results in preventing memory loss. This also a very important part of our new Curriculum.

As you can see, our research is groundbreaking and when you take BLTT you will reap the benefits of all the work we’ve done.

This course is the best of its kind.

– Professor George Perry, PhD.

University of Texas, San Antonio

New evidence supports our BLTT and, as we’ve always said, the risk of dementia may be reduced thus increasing the number of healthy years of life. It’s never too early and it’s never too late. Unfortunately, despite The Lancet’s in-depth report, they’re still behind the times.

But we are not! Register for the BLTT today and be in the know. You’ll be happier and make other people happy.

Plus, when you register now, you’ll unlock our special new launch price.

Register now.


Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director
Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)
Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 

PS: The first 25 people to register will unlock our delicious, nutritious and fun ebook called Brain Longevity Cookbook. It’s a gem.

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