
More Breaking News on Covid-19 & Your Brain

 In Covid-19 Respone from ARPF

As Covid-19 cases and deaths have continued to climb, we can expect an additional surge this Fall. Beyond that, there is emerging research revealing that even when a patient survives Covid, leaves the ICU after being on a ventilator, and then leaves the hospital, their health challenges are not over.

Donate to help Research and Prevent Alzheimer's DiseaseThese people have now been given the name “Long Haulers.”

As was seen in a number of patients, indications are that they will be dealing with problems such as brain inflammation, seizures, tremors, kidney and liver problems, and diabetes for a long time to come. There is now a new medical specialty that has evolved to deal with Covid recovery.

Our research reveals that the key to balanced immune function is actually enhanced brain function. That makes perfect sense when you consider that the name of this medical specialty that concerns this topic is Psycho-Neuro-Immunology or PNI. This illustrates that mental health affects your brain health and your brain health affects your immune system.

But actually, the reverse is true as well, isn’t it? Our research reveals that strong brain health is paramount to enjoying superior mental and emotional health. Why? Because poor brain health compromises your mental health and immunity, ramping up the production of inflammation.

Moreover, many brain and mental health conditions, including low brain/ mental energy, anxiety, and depression decrease memory function and alter immune system responses, thereby making you more vulnerable to Covid-19.

Please remember that great brain health creates the opposite: terrific mental health and a strong and balanced immune system. And as I’m sure you’re aware, if your immune system is good, you have a better chance of not getting Covid-19 or the seasonal flu for that matter– and flu season will be here soon.

So while you’re taking care to follow all the excellent medical guidelines, such as staying in as much as possible, mask-wearing, social distancing, hand washing and disinfecting (for when you return), I’d like to remind you of another critically important activity that can save your life:

practice our Simple, Affordable, Fast, and Effective (SAFE) meditation called Kirtan Kriya (KK).

Backed by nearly two decades of high-level, published research in prestigious medical journals, KK has been shown to enhance brain function, reduce stress, improve sleep, decrease inflammation, improve immunity, and decrease anxiety and depression. 

To discover how to do Kirtan Kriya and/or download an MP3, please go here.

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