
Meditation is Good for Your Brain

 In General

By Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

Scientists used to believe the connections among the brain nerve
cells were set early in life and did not change in adulthood. However, with the
help of advancements in brain imaging techniques, this assumption has been disproved.

In fact, scientists have come to grasp the concept of ongoing
brain development.

Studies have indicated that mental training through meditation can
change the inner workings of the brain and allow people to achieve different
levels of awareness.

Our research and that of others we have been able to:

Prove that brain function and memory can be improved.

Identify the left prefrontal cortex of the brain — an area just
behind the left forehead — as a place where brain activity associated with
meditation is particularly intense.

We have studied people with no meditation experience and advanced
meditators as well and the results are all positive

I’ve always known that meditation is a wonderful tool that can
help you take a deliberate break from the stream of thoughts that are
constantly flowing in and out of your mind. Some people use it to promote
spiritual growth or find inner peace, while others use it as a relaxation and
stress-reduction tool.

Beyond memory, our work provides further support for the link
between physical and emotional health. Since we are constantly stimulated in
our daily lives — visually, mentally, emotionally and physically — it is not
surprising that taking a break from this stimulation can actually improve your
physical health.

Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the health benefits of

One earlier study found that people who underwent eight weeks of
meditation training produced more antibodies to a flu vaccine. This reveals
that meditation can boost your immune system.

The ARPF’s groundbreaking
study with the University of
Pennsylvania, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, showed a
definite link between memory improvement and meditation. We call it the Mind
Body treatment for memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease
. Our ongoing research
continues to show this link. You can find out more details at this link http://www.alzheimersprevention.org/research

So consider
meditation as tool for stress management, Alzheimer’s prevention and a brain
healthy activity that you can start today.

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