
Landmark Study Backs Our Research

 In General

Since 2009, our research partners in Sweden and Finland have been investigating the effects that nutritional guidance, exercise, cognitive training, and social stimulation have on preventing cognitive impairment. They found through their FINGER (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability) study that these lifestyle factors greatly influence our memory and cognitive wellbeing. This supports our 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention and is the reason why ARPF has been a supporter and funder of this landmark study!

It goes to show, memory loss is not a normal part of aging, as your ARPF has been championing since 1993. There are many actions you can take right now to stave off the dreaded Alzheimer’s. As drug discovery continues to be elusive, it is clear that diet, stress management, including Kirtan Kriya and yoga, physical and mental exercise, and developing spiritual fitness reduce the risk of developing dementia. With you in mind, ARPF continues to work very hard to unlock more Alzheimer’s preventive measures and save families.

We could not have achieved these milestones without your support, so this is your accomplishment too. 


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