
KK Recommended by Founder of Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity

 In General

Seemingly, there has never been a more vital time to incorporate a stress management routine into our daily lives. This hyper-stressed pandemonium is causing grief worldwide, but we do have amazing tools to keep ourselves grounded and safe. ARPF is glad to see that our research has helped a wide spectrum of people, from those living with dementia to top doctors trying to regain balance. Specifically, our research on Kirtan Kriya (KK) is being utilized by many to maintain optimal brain health.

Another article published on The Beet. has shared our research on the benefits of KK and a holistic lifestyle prevention program. Joel Kahn, MD, founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity in Bingham Farms, Michigan, and author of “Lipoprotein(a), the Heart’s Quiet Killer,” recommends practicing Kirtan Kriya:

Dr. Kahn said, “I’m also focusing more on stress management, namely by listening to binaural beats, calming music that’s been helpful in my office and at home. Plus, if you have music on, you don’t have CNN on, and while I’m keeping up to date with current happenings, I’m minimizing my exposure to national news. And I’ve added in Kirtan Kriya yoga meditation, which studies suggest can aid stress, immune function, and brain health.

The article goes on to share other ways to boost immune function– something that is absolutely crucial during these times. We must remain healthy if we want to fully recover from this pandemic. Furthermore, Dr. Kahn abides by the 4 Pillars of Prevention: Diet and Supplements, Stress Management, Exercise, and Spiritual Fitness. 

Diet & Supplements:

Dr. Kahn explained, “While my diet has been plant-based and healthy for decades, I’m adding even more of the most therapeutic foods like purple cabbage, recently harvested sprouts, onions, and garlic. I’m also eating gigantic salads, which I always did, but they’re now the center of my meals. And while many people are concerned whether their first class after this will either be at AA or a weight loss center, I’ve actually lost a couple of pounds because of home confinement. Don’t eat crap, which means carbonated drinks, refined sugars, artificial sugars, and processed foods. Don’t buy that stuff, and if you have it in the house, lock it up. Get it out of sight and out of mind. And then just like you should replace CNN with Mozart, have a bowl with oranges on the counter and reach for that when you get the munchies. Just seeing healthy food will encourage you to eat it…

… Chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at East Virginia Medical School, Dr. Paul Marik, who’s suggested that a protocol he’s using with critically ill COVID-19 patients may have some value as a prophylaxis. He sent it to me, and every day, I’m taking 500 milligrams of vitamin C twice a day, 50 milligrams of zinc for the next month, one milligram of melatonin at night, 4000 IU of vitamin D and 500 milligrams of quercetin.”

Stress Management:

As mentioned earlier, Dr. Kahn practices our 12-minute Kirtan Kirya yoga mediation. Meditation reduces stress, which lowers cortisol and improves many other aspects of your mental function. Of course, stress management has many other positive benefits as well, such as improved performance, heart function, reduced anxiety, less chronic pain, and even increased longevity.

Balancing your daily stress is a vital part of any Alzheimer’s prevention strategy. Studies have shown there is a high correlation between having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and/or high cortisol and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Stress has been shown to be a key factor in all of these conditions. Thankfully, research has shown that the benefits of KK can improve your health and prevent memory loss. And, as it reduces some of the negative impacts of cholesterol, cortisol, and high blood pressure, a stress relaxation practice also has the added benefits of improving your focus, attention, and optimizing your overall mental performance.


“I do 20 minutes of treadmill running or biking and then 10 to 15 minutes of free weights, standing on a vibrating Power Plate in front of a red light therapy panel. I also practice the 5 Tibetans yoga flow daily. Just know that more exercise isn’t better. Everybody should be exercising, but keep it under 60 minutes. Anything over that could cause inflammation and affect your immune system,” Dr. Kahn added.

Your ARPF recommends working up to a level of 150 minutes per week of a combination of cardio exercise and strength training. Great ways to get in your aerobic exercise include brisk walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, and utilizing an elliptical, treadmill or stationary bike if you have this available to you.

Anything that gets your heart pumping and your muscles moving is heading you in the right direction to better overall health. Plus when you include strength training (e.g., weights, resistance machines, isometrics, etc.), you maintain your muscle mass and prevent osteoporosis and related illness.

Spiritual Fitness:

Spiritual fitness is the fusion of several attributes of psychological well-being, such as contentment, socialization, and having a purpose or mission in life, combined with spiritual well-being, that includes service to others and the ongoing search for peace of mind. Spiritual fitness contributes directly to your ability to maintain a high level of mental function as you age.

Kirtan Kriya is a safe, affordable and effective practice. It takes only 12 minutes a day and is proven to provide many cognitive benefits. Paired with the 4 Pillars of Prevention, lives can be completely rejuvenated and lived to the fullest. During a time of isolation, uncertainly, and depression, we must focus on keeping our bodies and mind in optimal health. 

To read the full article, click here.
To learn more about the 4 Pillars of Prevention, click here.

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