
Keeping Your Loved Ones & Memories Dear

 In General

Many of us made some amazing memories yesterday. The first Thanksgiving together after the Pandemic, sharing the day with family and friends. We often take for granted the memories we make and assume we will have and cherish them always.

But then one day, forgetfulness and the slow loss of those once cherished memories washes over someone we love making it more difficult than anything we have ever had to experience.

Our friend, Nichole, was one of those persons. She noticed that her grandfather, Robert, began to confuse her and her mother. Then one night he was unable to find his way home from his office. Robert called her confused and angry because he felt that someone had changed the names of the streets.

Soon, the staff at the hospital where Robert was a physician became concerned when he was unable to complete simple calculations that could mean the difference between life and death for his patients. Nichole, saddened and heartbroken, watched as the man who commanded respect in every part of his life became unsure and scared.

You help families like theirs when you support the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation.

Robert was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 68 and died at the age of 72. Nichole remembers noticing a huge change in her grandfather the year before he died. In her words, “The hardest part was walking into the room and having him look at me each time, with no memory of who I was or the life he had once lived.” No memories of the special bond they had, no memories of her years growing up, and no memories of just how much her own kids loved him.

Alzheimer’s disease takes everything from the patient and their family, leaving no more than a blank stare and silence. There is no magic bullet drug that will cure Alzheimer’s disease – but we can prevent cognitive decline and dementia.

There is hope!

For more than 30 years, the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation has worked to prevent cognitive decline and dementia – Join us today.

As you hold your newest Thanksgiving memories dear, join me in supporting the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation by making your gift of $100, $250, $500, or more to support our efforts to make a difference for families like Robert and Nichole.

We yearn for the day when nobody’s memories are erased by Alzheimer’s disease. With donations from you, our faithful family, and community, that day is one day closer.

Thank you for your support and generosity at #GivingTuesday

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