
Inspirations & Reflections on the Meditation Challenge

 In Brain Health, Kirtan Kriya, KK Meditation, Meditation, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention, Yoga for Alzheimer's

by Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa, ARPF President and Medical Director

I had the opportunity to participate in a number of days of the Challenge. It was a very inspiring experience to see so many of you attending and enjoying Kirtan Kriya (KK). I especially want to thank Kirti Khalsa, our CEO, for being the inspiration for the Meditation Challenge. Her hard work made this possible. I’d also like to acknowledge Chelsea Pyne for her high level of energy and making sure everything ran smoothly, and Erika Gantner for her assistance.

One question that caught my attention is about the long-term benefits of practicing KK consistently.

As our research has revealed, there are multiple health and healing benefits as seen in the chart below. Beyond that, however, is the development of a closer connection to your best self, your spiritual identity that we call Spiritual Fitness (SF).

SF is the evolution of higher levels of psychological and spiritual wellbeing. These attributes include acceptance, self-esteem, independence, persistent personal practice and growth, enhanced personal relationships, and the discovery of your own purpose in life (PIL).

All of these improve your health and prevent memory loss, with PIL being an independent variable in and of itself to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

The regular practice of KK also helps you develop markers of higher consciousness including patience, awareness, compassion, and surrender to your soul or spiritual self.

Ultimately, SF leads to unlimited love and altruism or the desire and ability to give to others without thought of reward for yourself.

Inner peace is the outcome, something we all need more of during these anxious and uncertain times. 

Peace and love is the answer and the outcome of the regular practice of Kirtan Kriya.

Furthermore, I want to thank all the amazing teachers who led Kirtan Kriya – without their generosity, time, expertise, and passion – we couldn’t have done this. Please take a minute to learn more about our teachers.

March 11: Kirti Khalsa became CEO in 2018 and under her guidance, dedication, and hard work, ARPF has completed breakthrough research at leading academic medical centers. Kirti has been a yoga practitioner for over 30 years and a yoga teacher to seniors and people with disabilities for over 20 years. 

March 12: June Litowitz is a spiritual seeker, artist, and dedicated yogi with 500+ hours of training. June, her husband Arthur, and two daughters are founders of Seat of the Soul Chair Yoga, Inc, a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization.
March 13: Fletcher Wilkins (Fateh Singh) is a certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher from Wilmington, North Carolina. He became interested in Kirtan Kriya after seeing a family member suffer from memory losses. Fletcher also serves on the Board of ARPF.
March 14: Linda Lang is a certified yoga therapist known for innovative, interprofessional, and creative contributions to the field of therapeutic yoga. Linda serves on the Advisory Board of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, presents seminars and symposia at the Smithsonian Institution, and is a clinical instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the George Washington University School of Medicine. Linda’s Facebook page.
March 15: Jane Stelboum is a yoga teacher/trainer in Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC. She has been a long-time friend of ARPF and went through the BLTT training in 2018. But she started teaching yoga, meditation, and brain health in 2012 when she founded her company Sarasvate in honor of her mother Sarah, whom she lost to Alzheimer’s. You can join her community on Jane’s Facebook page.
March 16: Amy Di Lillo started her yoga practice in the late ’90s while living in Asia and loves to continue to learn about and teach a fusion of ancient yogic wisdom and modern wellness principles. Amy is an IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, and a graduate of BLTT. She teaches KK to all of her students, especially her senior population, as well as clients who suffer from brain fog, anxiety, and Lyme disease. Amy’s Facebook and Instagram page.
March 17: Edward Gellert is a certified Yoga and Meditation teacher and dedicated daily practitioner who has taught at the AB Freeman School of Business and Center of Public Service at Tulane University offering courses such as Conscious Business Practices, Positive Impact Strategies, and Save the Planet Seminar. Eddy also serves on the Board of ARPF. 

We hope to see you next year for another round of this Challenge. To download the Kirtan Kriya music we practiced, click here.

Yours in Brain Health,

Dharma S. Khalsa, MD
ARPF President and Medical Director

PS: Your ARPF still has operational responsibilities and we are deeply grateful for any support you can offer. You can donate at this link.

PPS: If you would like to see the replays of the sessions, please like our Facebook page and view our posts.

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