
How Exercise Saves Your Cognition

 In Alzheimer's Prevention Tips, Alzheimer's Research, Brain Health, General

Exercise is a huge aspect of brain health– that’s why it’s one of ARPF’s 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention®. Study after study has revealed the incredible benefits of exercising. The popular food, nutrition, and health blog, Eat This, Not That!, recently published our research in their article: “Your Alzheimer’s Risk Increases Dangerously By Doing This, Say Doctors”.

They shared:

“Get moving: Regular exercise can reduce your risk by up to 50 percent according to the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. Studies show that women from ages 40 to 60 who exercised regularly demonstrated a profound reduction in cognitive decline and memory loss. The benefits of regular physical activity extend to those who have already been diagnosed: Studies show that regular exercise can slow further deterioration in those who have begun to demonstrate cognitive problems. It’s thought that exercise protects against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia by stimulating the brain’s ability to maintain old connections while creating new ones.

The Rx: So, what is the recommended amount of physical activity? An ideal plan involves aerobic exercise and strength training. Aim for 30 to 40 minutes, three to four days a week.”

Furthermore, to see the best benefits of your exercise program, the latest research reveals that the magic number for maintaining cognitive fitness with age and preventing Alzheimer’s is to work up to a level of 150 minutes per week of a combination of cardio exercise and strength training. Great ways to get in your aerobic exercise include brisk walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, and playing tennis, or going to the gym and utilizing an elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike.

Are you ready to take your brain health to the next step? Neurologists report that mental exercise can reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease by up to 70%. With numbers like that, it’s amazing that everyone isn’t exercising their brains more often. Get a head start by spending at least 20 minutes, three times a week doing mental exercises.

Don’t know what brain aerobics are? It’s simple. Whenever you challenge your brain with novel tasks (anything new or different), you’re exercising your brain and improving brain function. In order for an activity to be considered brain aerobics, three conditions must be met. The activity needs to:

  • Engage your attention.
  • Involve more than one of your senses.
  • Break a routine activity in an unexpected, nontrivial way.

Some examples of fantastic, brain-building mental exercises include reading, writing, playing board games, and doing crossword puzzles.

To learn more, click here.



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