
Donor Spotlight

 In General

A Portrait in Generosity: Union Congregational Church

Your ARPF is honored to have received a very generous donation from members of the Union Congregational Church in Richmond Hill, New York. Their profound support, both financial and emotional, has been uplifting to our organization and will continue to benefit our mission of Alzheimer’s prevention. Please see their encouraging words below. We are deeply thankful.

“First of all, let me express how grateful we are to your organization for your wonderful work on behalf of so many Alzheimer’s sufferers and their families. We have had experience within our congregation watching with heavy hearts the mental decline of those who have served our church in so many important ways. This, in a very personal way, has highlighted the need for more research and we pray for a solution for relief from this terrible disease.

Our church originally had over 1400 members but families declined due to aging out or other factors. Therefore, we were happy to reach out to your organization and use some of our resources to help fund the research so desperately needed to comeback the scourge of Alzheimer’s. Union Congregational Church has long had a passion for helping however and wherever we can to relieve suffering and pass on the gospel of good news in this way. We feel this is totally in line with the mission of our church and give thanks for the caring commitment of all those who are and have been in the forefront of this ongoing battle, working to eliminate the impact of Alzheimer’s upon individuals and families. Your work is not in vain. You are all real heroes of humanity.” – Union Congregational Church, Richmond Hill, NY

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