Your ARPF is excited to announce that we’ve received our first cryptocurrency donation! We are actively expanding the ways we can connect with our donors. Thank you to
Psilo NFT for being the first to support ARPF with crypto.
Psilo is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) metaverse project. “We are basically a digital arts company whose mission is to create amazing art and support people struggling with mental illness,” Co-Founder Douglas Radecki said. “I was introduced to Kirtan Kriya during your Meditation Challenge week. Many of our team members are active meditators so I joined as many of the sessions as I could. The metaverse is a new and complicated topic, but we are passionate about brain health and bringing meditation into the virtual realm. One way of achieving our mission is by supporting organizations like ARPF who continue to make a huge difference in the brain health landscape.”
The Metaverse is a virtual world where you can meet up with your friends for concerts, go back in time to experience and learn about history, meet with your therapist, join a guided meditation, and more. We are happy to see that brain health is at the core of creating a successful virtual community. Furthermore, ARPF is excited for another opportunity to share Kirtan Kriya and healthy lifestyle modifications that can help communities in and out of this new virtual world.
Kirtan Kriya has been shown to improve mood and sleep, and decrease anxiety, stress, blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels- and it only takes 12 minutes. This vibrant community continues to grow and we are thankful for the great people and organizations who have joined our mission. Would you like to donate cryptocurrency?