
Donor Spotlight: Le Craven, IMBA

 In Donations, Health, Newsletter, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention

We are deeply grateful to our longtime friend, Le Craven, IMBA

Le was ARPF’s office manager and former Board Member for many years. She was originally drawn to the Foundation because of her family history of Alzheimer’s.

Le’s mother was diagnosed with dementia in 2006 and Le and her sister became her caregivers for several years. Their mother passed at 100 years old. Le’s sister was also diagnosed with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Le gradually began caring for her. 

Le explained, “The courage to focus on prevention or delaying onset has always been the key item to me. First, because it took A LOT of courage to be part of the medical profession and address this illness that way. After all, for many, many years the use of Alzheimer’s and prevention in the same sentence was challenged from every perspective. Even in recent years while we stood in the booths at the Tucson Festival of Books and other events, hurting family members who had lost someone to AD would openly say “That can’t be true! We did everything we possibly could!” For many, those events were their first introduction to ARPF’s scientific research. 

Secondly, the scientific rigor and devotion to the premise that prevention was indeed possible have presented us all with simple, practical, and affordable self-care regimens that hold this terrible disease at bay. As one Kirtan Kriya devotee said at an educational event, “Even if we only accomplish delay for a decade, THAT would preserve the quality of life for most of us seniors.” Indeed!”

We are so grateful to Le for her years of service and her continued support of ARPF. 

Through her efforts, we will continue to fund important research, educate the public, and help those who need it most. Thank you, Le!

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Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation