
Donor Spotlight: Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS

 In Health, Newsletter, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention

We are deeply grateful to Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS for her year-end contribution to ARPF.

Dr. Romano explained, “As we navigate the holiday season we are often asked to donate to many different causes – many of them very worthwhile. Choosing an organization that reflects my core values is where I start. ARPF’s emphasis on research is very important to me as an individual but more so as a professional who enjoys sharing the information as a Brain Longevity Specialist.

The ongoing webinars encourage my learning and provide a support group of others doing this work. The emphasis on prevention to address healthy aging and AD prevention is what drives me to actively support this organization.

Having a strong family history of AD and a medical background both contribute to my interest but it is the staff and quality of the publications that are done or supported by ARPF that encourage my support and participation.”


We are so grateful for Dr. Romano’s support and generosity. Through her efforts, we will continue to fund important research, educate the public, and help those who need it most. Thank you, Dr. Romano!

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