
Donor Spotlight: Agustin H.

 In Alzheimer's Prevention Tips, Brain Health, General, Health, Newsletter, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention
Your ARPF would like to thank Agustin H. for being a longtime advocate of our prevention research.

“My father has had Alzheimer’s disease (AD) for about 11 years now and the rate it affected him was surprising. He was diagnosed at 58– a pretty young age when we think of AD– and has been in the late stage for the last few years. I want to help provide any support I can to the research of Alzheimer’s and dementia so we can better understand the disease. I hope my donations can one day prevent any future cases,” Agustin explained.

Agustin was first introduced to ARPF through the military and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). He has been supporting our research since 2015. “My father is the closest and worst case I have witnessed but I have known a few people who suffered from the beginning stages of AD before passing. Helping to prevent AD would be and is a dream,” Agustin added. Alzheimer’s spares no one, in fact, Agustin’s brother had to quit his job to continue care for their father. “To know that I am contributing to the prevention of this disease is an amazing feeling. We are beginning to realize how many people are actually affected by it. I hope one day people won’t have to worry about AD and won’t know the suffering people and their families go through.” It’s these sacrifices and hardships that your ARPF is working to erase. 

In order to better his own health, Agustin exercises, mitigates stress when necessary, takes multivitamins, and stimulates his brain activity with puzzles and games. These are proven tools that boost brain health and reduce risk of cognitive decline. We are so heartened to see people taking control of their health.

Your ARPF is grateful for Agustin and the sacrifices his family makes in order to fight the Alzheimer’s epidemic. This vibrant community continues to grow and we are thankful for the great people who have joined our mission.

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