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A Portrait in Generosity: Jay Hanan

Jay and wife, Elaine

Ten years ago, Jay Hanan made a decision that changed his life. He joined a national health group and read three books on mindfulness that lead him to a world of wellness. One of those books, Brain Longevity, written by ARPF President and Medical Director Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa introduced Jay to the 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention.

“At the time, I was becoming overweight and out of shape, so I decided on an entire mind and body makeover. I got on the right diet and supplements, and started exercising and meditating. I have had Alzheimer’s in the back of my mind since my father passed away, and he had suffered from dementia in his 60s. It has shown up on my wife’s side as well, and I was worried that I might get it.”

Since Jay dedicated himself to a preventive and wholesome lifestyle, he has dropped the weight, stays in great shape, has quit drinking and maintains a Paleo diet. “Before I had problems with anxiety, but the meditation helps with that. I stay out of stressful situations and practice ACT which is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Meditation taught me how to recognize a negative thought and how to let it go. Before that, I held onto things that would bring me down—now that’s all out. I am starting Kirtan Kriya as well, so I’m looking forward to what that brings.”

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