
Imagine a life without Alzheimer’s. A life where your family goes without worry or fear of this disease.

After all, every 68 seconds someone is diagnosed with this horrible illness and right now more than 5 million people are suffering with it.

This number is expected to sky-rocket with the aging of the baby-boomers, if a prevention strategy such as the ARPF 4 Pillars of Prevention® is not undertaken.

Your ARPF is on the forefront of emerging medical research to help you stay mentally sharp as you age and do everything possible for you to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

guidestar seals 2017

Donor Privacy Policy: The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation does not share or sell a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.


How your donations are spent
The ARPF is here to serve you by supporting innovative research, education on memory loss prevention, and sharing our work with everyone who wants to live a long life with a clear mind.

Our work is supported by generous contributions from people just like you. We are extremely grateful for your support. Please donate now to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Thank you,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Founding President/Medical Director

P.S. Please give what you can today to support our critically important work to help you prevent Alzheimer’s disease. We need your help.

Other Ways to Give

Donate at Work — The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation participates in employee giving campaigns in corporate and state workplaces throughout the country. Look for the ARPF on your company’s giving list or follow this link to make a Corporate Matching Gift to ARPF.

Donate a VehicleDonate your old car, truck or other vehicle

Donation of Stocks or Securities — Yes, we accept them. Please contact ARPF CEO Kirti Khalsa at kirti@alzheimersprevention.org.

Cryptocurrency — A variety of cryptocurrencies are accepted. Click here for details and to donate.

Gifts to Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation may be made by Mail: ARPF
PO Box 30783
Tucson, AZ 85751-0783
Email: info@alzheimersprevention.org

“My wife uses the meditation CD daily and it has helped her concentration and coordination. We hope this small donation will help others.”
Malcolm E. McDonald

“For the past four years I have offered monthly intergenerational meditation groups for individuals age 25 to 75 who suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, migraine headaches, chronic pain or other medical conditions or who live with mild cognitive impairment or early stage Alzheimer’s disease. Although I introduce a variety of meditation styles to the groups, the one that has been most routinely well-accepted is the guided meditation practice, Kirtan Kriya, as taught in Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa’s CD. In particular, my patients who live with mild memory decline have reported that it is relatively easy for them to sustain their concentration using this meditation technique. I encourage my patients to incorporate Kirtan Kriya as an integral part of a healthy aging life-style.”
Paula E. Hartman-Stein, Ph.D.
Clinical Geropsychologist
Center for Healthy Aging
Kent, Ohio
Co-Editor, Enhancing Cognitive Fitness in Adults (2011)