
Cucumbers: Refreshing and Great for Your Memory

 In General

CucumbersSummer is here, and we’re all looking for ways to stay cool. Did you know that one of your favorites can also help prevent Alzheimers? It turns out that a compound found in cucumbers does just that! Fisetin, a flavenol, can ward of memory loss.








Many people don’t know that how you live your life plays a big role in whether you develop Alzheimer’s. It’s not just about your genes – your exercise, your social life and your diet can all contribute to your brain health. That’s why your Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation advocates a holistic approach to diet and supplements that provides important vitamins and nutrients to your brain to keep it in good shape. For many years, our research has shown that eating many fruits and vegetables and avoiding too much red meat and grain is good not only for your body but for your brain. The very first of our 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention is Diet & Supplements – take a look to learn more about our recommended vitamin and nutrient regimen and how it can start improving your brain health today.

So enjoy a couple cucumbers today – not only will they help cool you off (or make a delicious addition to a cold drink), they’re good for your brain too!

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