
Brain Longevity® Therapy Training in Action

 In General

Janet Wise has been a licensed Clinical Social Worker for 30 years with a second career in the fitness industry for the last six years. Janet is a group fitness instructor and certified by SilverSneakers to work with seniors. Thanks to the suggestion from her daughter, who has her PhD in neuroscience, Janet decided to incorporate a new level of health into her portfolio. As of last November, Janet is a Brain Longevity Specialist.

“I was very encouraged to hear what the Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) stood for. I felt excited to incorporate this knowledge into the Raleigh Durham area. I immediately added the 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention® into my fitness plan. My workouts are geared towards seniors, so it fit perfectly. This training has opened many doors that I had not even considered. I’ve been very busy because of it!”

Since her BLTT certification, Janet has taken on new roles. From fitness instructor to presenter, she is working with a handful of organizations who want to know more about brain longevity and health. Janet currently gives presentations for the Raleigh chapter of AARP and several senior groups, the latter coming through ARPF referrals. She also works with members of the health ministry, care partners, and local churches.

“I offer a fitness class at the assisted living center; there’s always a sense of hopelessness among the members regarding chronic illness and limited cognitive capabilities. Most of my presentations are about understanding the basis of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The whole notion that the brain can build new neuron networks and that people are not a lost cause is very important and uplifting. Many people don’t understand that they can do something to help their brain fight off other chronic illnesses that feed into this terrible this disease. In my presentations, I explain why it’s important to manage glucose, diabetes, a healthy diet and taking care of yourself in general. Many attendees tell me they feel stressed, not realizing that low level stress wreaks havoc and makes them more vulnerable to inflammation. I want people to know that the brain can do more. You can take steps to manage your health. There is the hope factor– this is not a one and done situation. This has really made a difference in the people who I’ve reached.”

Janet has even encouraged one of her fitness clients to take the next BLTT course available this fall. “There’s a lot of community out there that needs help understanding the importance of lifestyle prevention. More outreached is needed to help seniors and their carepartners understand the importance of lifestyle intervention. It’s critical to get involved, especially for communities who don’t have the access or ease of resources.”

To learn about the 2019 session of BLTT, visit www.alzheimersprevention.org/training.

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