
Brain Longevity in Italy

 In General

Brain Longevity® presentation at Trevi Benessere in Umbria, Italy.

by Giovanna Calisti, KRI, RYT, BLS

Trevi is a beautiful town located in the green heart of Italy, famous for its excellent extra virgin olive oil. “Trevi Benessere” is an event that promotes healthy lifestyles and self-care through practices that encourage our health, awareness, and well-being of body and spirit. I introduced Brain Longevity to an audience of people curious to know more about brain health prevention practices. Some were already practitioners of yoga, others were approaching these issues for the first time.

Giovanna gives a lecture to participants. Photo credits: Ph Cristian Sordini / Organization: Centro Kundalini Yoga Foligno

The Brain Longevity session was held at the “Cappella dei Boemi,” a place of prayer for the Boemi family in their magnificent home, now owned by the city of Trevi and open to public events. The public participated with enthusiasm and curiosity, some stopped by at the end of the presentation to get more information. My presentation included: the brain and its health, the Brain Longevity protocol, the 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention®, simple breathing and meditation practice, and a brief focus on nutrition and the benefits of olive oil for brain functions.

Participants walked away with tools on how to keep their brains young and “athletic” for as long as possible. The challenge is not only to live long but to live well for a long time. And for this reason, it is important to have a clear memory and an active and healthy brain.

To connect with Giovanna, click here.

Your ARPF is thrilled to see this vital information making waves across the world. Thank you to Giovanna for being such an important part of guiding her community to wellness. We all have the opportunity to enhance our well-being and brain health through lifestyle modifications and stress management tools such as yoga and meditation.


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