
Brain It Back On

 In Alzheimer's Research, General, Health, Newsletter, Support Alzheimer's Research and Prevention

By Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD

You may recall the Brain It On webinar I participated in over the spring. The conference was sponsored by Maria Shriver’s organization, Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM), and actor Seth Rogen and his wife Lauren Miller Rogen’s organization, Hilarity for Charity (HFC). I was asked to speak about “Peace of Mind: Meditation, Faith, and Emotional Well-Being for Brain Health.”
Among many things, I discussed our latest research study called The Pink Brain™ Project at UCLA, which is investigating how kundalini yoga and Kirtan Kriya may prevent Alzheimer’s disease in high-risk women. A high-risk woman is defined as one in menopause, who has heart disease (a risk factor) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Women make up 66% of all Alzheimer’s cases so investigating why women are at greater risk is a priority for us. This is our effort to pull together to help our loved ones and future generations live wonderfully healthy and fulfilled lives. It starts here with The Pink Brain Project – and with your help in funding, we can make huge strides in Alzheimer’s prevention.
Would you please support our ongoing research? Every little bit helps fuel our fight against AD– in fact, on November 30th, your Giving Tuesday donation will be matched– doubling the impact!
With your help, we can change the current landscape of AD prevention.

Yours in Brain Health,

Dr. Dharma Khalsa
ARPF President and Medical Director

P.S. Remember us on November 30th for #GivingTuesday.

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