
Bon Appétit: Pumpkin Waffles

 In Brain Health, Brain Longevity Therapy Training, General, Health, Newsletter

One of the most iconic symbols of autumn is the pumpkin. Pumpkin harvest is found mainly in America, from the United States to southern Argentina. Pumpkins are harvested for the consumption of their pulp and seeds, or to produce pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkins belong to the family of cucurbits (squash) where you can find a wide variety of types of pumpkin in addition to other fruits such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumber.

There are many types of pumpkin with a variety of colors, such as brown, orange, yellow, and green. The color difference is partly due to the difference in carotenoid (antioxidant) content. Pumpkins are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, various minerals, carotene, eight types of amino acids necessary for the human body and contain trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and silicon. Consuming pumpkin has many health benefits since it is characterized by being anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective (liver), antioxidant, antifungal and is especially beneficial for older people (since when cooking pumpkin its consistency is soft as puree).

This food can be prepared by a variety of cooking methods, where it is used not only as a vegetable, but also as an ingredient in the production of bread, flour, soup, cakes, and other foods. So please, enjoy these cooling autumn days with a delicious breakfast of pumpkin waffles.



Prep and cook time: 20 minutes.

2  Servings (Approx. 8 mini waffles)


1.  Ingredients:

– 1 cup of rolled oats, whole grain. *If you want a gluten-free (GF) option you need GF certificated rolled oats.

– 2 eggs

– 1/3 cup milk (you can use fat-free cow’s milk or non-dairy milk)

– 3 tablespoons pumpkin puree (you can buy it canned or make it below)

– 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

– Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

– Olive or avocado oil spray

*If you have the option, choose organic products.


2.  Instructions



  1. Cut the pumpkin in half, scoop all the strings and seeds out. Set the seeds aside for later if you are going to make roasted pumpkin seeds.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, and place the pumpkin halves face down in a shallow pan. Cover with wax paper.
  3. Put the pumpkins into your oven at 320 degrees F to cook for one hour.
  4. The pumpkins will be soft when you remove them from the oven.
  5. With care, remove the pumpkin flesh from the skin, using a spoon or a knife.
  6. Place the pumpkin into a food processor or blender.



  1. Blend all the ingredients (oats, eggs, milk, pumpkin puree, vanilla extract) and season.
  2. Heat your waffle maker and add some oil spray.
  3. Serve immediately.
  4. Decor with yogurt, pumpkin puree, and spices.


Are you interested in learning more about brain health diets? Check out our Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT). BLTT has the latest information on nutrition, diet, and supplements. BLTT is a fully online course that is designed so you can take it from the comfort of your home, on your own time.



Wittstruck, L., Kühling, I., Trautz, D., Kohlbrecher, M., & Jarmer, T. (2020). UAV-Based RGB Imagery for Hokkaido Pumpkin (Cucurbita max.) Detection and Yield Estimation. Sensors, 21(1), 118. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21010118

Kates, H. R., Soltis, P. S., & Soltis, D. E. (2017). Evolutionary and domestication history of Cucurbita (pumpkin and squash) species inferred from 44 nuclear loci. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution111, 98–109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2017.03.002

Men, X., Choi, S.-I., Han, X., Kwon, H.-Y., Jang, G.-W., Choi, Y.-E., Park, S.-M., & Lee, O.-H. (2020). Physicochemical, nutritional and functional properties of Cucurbita moschata. Food Science and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-020-00835-2

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