
ARPF Honored to Reveal Our Work in New Textbook

 In General

By Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD

I had the honor to write a chapter on the results of the research of your Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation for the brand-new book Integrative Neurology edited by Ilene S. Ruhoy, MD, PhD and John W. McBurney, MD.

It’s a medical textbook published by the Weil Integrative Medicine Library, founded by the renowned pioneering physician Andrew Weil, MD.

“The Weil Integrative Medicine Library by Oxford University Press has grown out of a need to organize the basic principles of integrative medicine in practical application to common health conditions, and make them accessible to clinicians and patients. Each volume focuses on a particular specialty and features editors and chapter authors that are leaders in their respective fields, many of whom are Center directors and faculty. The text is presented in an easy-to-read format featuring case histories, clinical pearls, sidebars, and useful tables, with key information highlighted.”

Integrative Neurology is the latest addition to this important collection.

My chapter is entitled Mind/Body Medicine and The Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease and reviews the detrimental effects of chronic stress on the brain, and how the research on Kirtan Kriya specifically has shown to limit the toxicity of that stress, improve the structure of the brain and prevent and reverse cognitive decline.

Some of the other contributing authors and their chapters to this textbook are:

  • Karima Bernameur, MD on Nutrition and Cerebrovascular Disease
  • Weili Gray, MD on Sleep Health and Sleep Disorders
  • Hatha Gbedawo, ND on Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Framework for Integrative Pediatric Medicine
  • Alexandra Dimitrova, MD on Acupuncture in Neurological Disorders: An Evidence-Based Overview
  • David Musnick, MD, MPH and Shae Datta, MD on Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion
  • Julie Rowin, MD on Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain 



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