

 In General


October 24-27, 2019 in Scottsdale, Arizona

We all know the Alzheimer’s epidemic is not improving. If we, as a collective people, want to stop this dreadful disease, then we need to turn the current situation into an opportunity. What do we know that works? What skills and resources can we use to stop Alzheimer’s development?

Your ARPF’s 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention® Program is an effective and state-of- the-art protocol to reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s, and this program is now offered as a training where you can become a certified wellness leader. We have the knowledge and methods, but we need the muscle. If you want to make a difference in your community, all while developing and expanding your own career, then Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT) is for you.

BLTT is an evidence-based curriculum that has helped tens of thousands of individuals maintain healthy brain function with age. This renowned medical approach for healthy aging was created by our Founding President, Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD, in the early 1990s as the core program for your ARPF.

#BLTT19 offers the following:

Module 1:  Brain Longevity Therapy Training. This course is developed to be in a blended-learning format. A portion of your curriculum will be accessible online starting in August 2019 so you can learn it from the comfort of your home and take open-book exams. The second part of the program will take place in a classroom format, live, in Scottsdale on October 24th and 25th.

Module 2: Brain Longevity Symposium.  All participants and previous graduates from Module 1 are invited and strongly encouraged to extend their registration and participate in the Brain Longevity Symposium on October 26th and 27th. This Symposium is a gathering of all Brain Longevity Specialists to learn the latest developments in breakthroughs of ARPF-sponsored research studies and exchange experiences and ideas with each other. This includes the Welcome Reception and Graduation Ceremony on Saturday evening, October 26th.

We are so looking forward to the new class of 2019. Learn more and register at www.alzheimersprevention.org/training or email Julie Erla, Educational Programs Coordinator, at julie@alzheimersprevention.org.

This training was a great opportunity to expand my professional activity. The Brain Longevity approach and recommendations were so well received that other professionals wished to take the training as well. So, I developed a certification course for Italy in cooperation with the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation, had the opportunity to certify 10 people and already have plans for more training courses this year.”

– Alessia Tanzi, Yoga Coach


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