
An Introduction to BLTT

 In General

ARPF’s Brain Longevity® Therapy Training is a research-based certification program on Yoga and Integrative Medicine for brain health and healthy aging. 

As a participant, you will increase your knowledge and credibility around neuroscience and yoga and the impact meditation has on the brain. Plus, you’ll walk away with practical tools you can start implementing on day 1 to enhance your teaching/practice and improve your own resilience to face these stressful times. 

Here is an introduction to our Online BLTT:

You are viewing the very latest work from the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation that Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD, founded in 1993. Yes, you read that last sentence right…the prevention of Alzheimer’s.

Here at ARPF, we believe—actually, we know—that conventional medical wisdom has been wrong: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) can be prevented and even effectively treated through lifestyle changes and continued prudent choices. That’s why, for the past 20-plus years, we’ve worked to educate the public about the disease and the easy and effective ways to stave off its development—what we call our “4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention™,” to be outlined shortly. And that’s why we’ve created this curriculum. We’re sharing our wisdom and findings with you, so that you can pass the good news on to your students, fellow teachers, family members, and friends.

As a yoga instructor, psychologist, or Integrative Medicine practitioner, you’re uniquely suited to make a positive impact on the Alzheimer’s epidemic (we delve into the numbers in just a few pages, and epidemic it is). Why? Because you already understand the power of healthy, clean living and a mind-body connection—the keys to fighting Alzheimer’s. And because as a mentor, guide, and sage, you have a great deal of influence over the practices of your clients and students. How? By incorporating elements of this curriculum into your healing practice and yoga sessions, discussing the advice when you counsel your older clients, students, and family and friends, and encouraging fellow therapists to go through the curriculum so they can do the very same.  

A Legacy of Firsts

Whether you are a mental health counselor, a yoga therapist, or a practitioner of the healing arts, or someone looking to boost your own brain health– you understand the holistic and integrative viewpoint of the ARPF—one, by definition, out of the mainstream of allopathic medicine. For over two decades, we’ve been unafraid to lead this charge, sharing so-called “out-of-the-box” ways to help people create high levels of brain fitness and reduce their risk of AD. Of course, our steps aren’t actually out of the box at all, rather they simply run counter to the current drug-focused, prescription-obsessed, medical culture.

Would you like more information on becoming a Brain Longevity Specialist? We would love to have you part of the ARPF team. To learn all about AD prevention and providing this program to your clients– visit arpf.com

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