
Aging and Memory Health

 In General

A lot of people do think that you automatically get slower
and lose your memory with age.  But the
latest research findings show how wrong that assumption is.  Somewhere along the line, some of us got
sucked into this incorrect way of thinking about aging.

Amazingly, new research reveals that aging alone doesn’t
diminish cognitive function.  It actually
can improve many aspects of mental ability.

But illness does count.

Retirees are twice as likely to diminish their mental
capacity if they have untreated high blood pressure.  When you prevent the other age-related
chronic diseases, you stand a good chance of hanging on to your brain function
well into your later years.

The more we engage our brains as we age, the greater our
performance level stays.  This shows up
as a higher ratio of synapses to neurons.
Effectively, our brains stay denser when we use them more.

What I’ve noticed over the years is that many people are
still vital, engaged and enjoying their lives at ages that used to be
retirement time.  What’s common is that
all of them exercise, watched their diets and develop interesting hobbies and
pastimes to challenge themselves.

The biggest enemies of your neurons are high blood pressure,
especially starting in middle age, depression, extended stress, grief, alcohol
and malnutrition.  And when it comes to
exercise, remember that beyond growth factors and the creation of new neurons
and more blood flow, there’s the endorphin release, which will make you feel

Don’t buy into the myth that the golden years are not
golden.  You CAN keep your brain young
and prevent Alzheimer’s Disease through the 4
Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention™

diet and supplements, exercise (mind and body), stress management and

So engage your brain AND your body today and be an
inspiration to those around you.

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