Is it Age or a Sign of Alzheimer’s Disease?
Startling research from a Mayo Clinic study shows forgetfulness may be
an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s Disease — and not just a symptom of aging.
The study tracked 1600 people who were in their 70s and 80s. The purpose
was to find what percentage of the participants would develop Mild Cognitive
Impairment (MCI), a disorder characterized by mild memory problems and other
neurological issues.
The researchers were astounded by what they found.
MCI was found in 5% of the test subjects, a significantly higher rate
than the original 1-2% they had expected.
With the millions of baby boomers reaching their senior years, this
higher rate means the U.S. must prepare for many more cases of MCI — and potentially
more cases of Alzheimer’s disease.
Or does it? Is MCI always a signal that Alzheimer’s disease will also
The answer is ― not always. While it still isn’t completely clear how
often someone with MCI lapses into Alzheimer’s disease, some previous research
has shown that up to 15% of MCI sufferers will end up with Alzheimer’s disease.
This number can be even higher without
early diagnosis and effective treatments.
Here’s what ARPF recommends to ensure you are not one of the many people
who will be stricken MCI or Alzheimer’s.
Know the symptoms of both disorders so that you receive early diagnosis
and treatment.
Symptoms of MCI include:
Problems with memory
Other neurological impairment such as problems with
language, motor functions, and sensations
To understand the differences in the two disorders, it’s vital to know that
the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease also include:
Difficulty thinking and making decisions
Impairment of daily actions and routines
Personality and mood changes
Loss of memory and poor judgment
Alzheimer’s disease affects long-term memory and normal
cognitive functions. Plus, it’s important to remember the symptoms are much
more severe than in MCI.
With MCI, you can function in daily living
situations, but you may have trouble remembering something you just learned or even
recalling a recent event. With
Alzheimer’s, it becomes increasingly difficult to function independently on a
daily basis as the disease progresses past the initial stages.
Understanding the differences between Alzheimer’s disease and MCI is
just the first step in helping you or a love one cope with memory loss. Having a proper diagnosis is also crucial so
treatment can be started right away.
Here’s what we have learned about both MCI and Alzheimer’s disease.
It is possible to repair and rebuild a person’s cognitive capabilities
with a combination of: 1) diet, 2) exercise,
3) stress reduction and 4) medicine.
These are ARPF’s 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention that
have been shown to prevent and even reverse the symptoms of MCI and Alzheimer’s.
There is help at every stage of memory loss (and before it even occurs)
when you take the first step to living a healthy lifestyle and seeking proper
medical treatment if needed. Stay informed and join
our free educational
programs to ensure you are doing everything possible to keep your brain healthy.