AAIC Presentation Featured in Healio Article
Your ARPF is thrilled to see all the attention our research received at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) this past July. Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa and Dr. Tejinder Kaur Khalsa presented our latest breakthrough research. ARPF’s The Pink BrainTM Project was featured at the conference and written about by Healio Internal Medicine.
ARPF research concluded, “At least 66% of all cases of Alzheimer’s disease are women. Interventions to delay disease onset by just a year or two could prevent millions of women from ever developing this dreaded disease. Yoga meditation is a 5,000-year old approach to healthy aging. Recent research on a simple singing medical yoga meditation suggests multiple brain health benefits and risk factor reduction.”
The article goes on to explain, “Women who practiced Kirtan Kriya 12 minutes per day for 8 to 12 weeks demonstrated improvements in cognitive function, cerebral blood flow and neuroanatomical plasticity of neurotransmitters in the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex.
Additionally, Kirtan Kriya was associated with health benefits that may help prevent or reverse cognitive decline, including improved mental health, better sleep, reduced stress, increased telomerase, longer telomeres, reduced inflammatory markers, better neuro-connectivity, increased plasma amyloid beta and improved psycho-spiritual well-being.”
Practicing and sharing this research has the potential to help millions of people. More so, since Kirtan Kriya is proven effective, ARPF has designed a course to educate healthcare providers with the knowledge and tools to conquer cognitive decline.
Our program, called Brain Longevity Therapy Training (BLTT), shares this life-changing research. It’s especially important to those suffering from memory loss. We have the possibility to prevent Alzheimer’s, now we need leaders in the health and wellness field to take this knowledge and make a difference.
BLTT is aimed at giving attendees the expertise and tools to thwart the AD epidemic. As an attendee, you will increase your knowledge and credibility around neuroscience, yoga and the life-changing impact meditation has on the brain. You will become equipped with practical tools that you can immediately put to use to enhance your career, teaching, practice, and life.
The next course is on October 12-14 in Washington, D.C. For more information, click here.
To read the full Healio article, click here.