
A message from Dr. Dharma about the Coronavirus

 In Covid-19 Respone from ARPF

A message from ARPF President Dr. Dharma about the COVID-19:

Our hearts go out to all those affected by the Coronavirus worldwide. We pray that those suffering from it will recover fully and quickly, and also for all those impacted indirectly through family, friends, and the economy. We care deeply for our community and each of you.
While your ARPF prepares more resources for your use, I have created an important video for you to watch regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. You can watch the video or read my transcript below.
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I think everyone would agree that we are in unsettling times right now because of the Coronavirus. It’s a pandemic and it promises to accelerate somewhat before it gets better. Everyone gets affected, whether we’re healthy or unhealthy. Whether we have someone in our family with Alzheimer’s or not. For caregivers, there’s a lot of extra burden. People with a medical condition are especially at risk right now. So we have to be very careful.

A lot of people are worried and there’s an abundance of stress going around. The number one thing I see is that people are out of balance. However, there are many things we can do to stay in balance. Even though you’re staying at home, make sure you are getting some exercise in. Go outside if you can maintain social distance. Getting sun for 15 minutes will do you good, just wear sunscreen.

Practice home yoga and meditation, such as Kirtan Kriya (KK). We’ve been researching KK all these years and it has incredible, proven benefits. It will help you improve energy, decrease stress, improve immune function and brainpower. Furthermore, ARPF is preparing programs to assist you during these stressful times. 

So right now, we are on pause. Much like when your computer is buffering. While we are on pause, it’s critically important to follow CDC guidelines. Stay 6–15 feet away from others. Wash your hands. You need to be obsessive-compulsive about washing your hands these days. Every time my wife and I come into our home we disinfect and wash; please practice this.

I’m an anesthesiologist by training, so here’s how we wash our hands in the operating room:

Using soap and hot water, start by scrubbing your left hand with your right hand. Going up and down your thumb and continuing to each finger; don’t rush this. In a circular motion, scrub the palm, back of hand, and wrist. Wash your hand this way for at least 30 seconds. Singing the Happy Birthday song per hand will suffice. Then switch to the right hand and start over. (Watch the above video to see exactly how.)

What we kindly ask of you: wash your hands often, keep social distance, and stay indoors as much as possible. If you have a fever, shortness of breath, cough, or other symptoms call your doctor. Testing is inconsistent and depends on your location. You can find out more information about testing in your area by visiting cdc.gov.

Hopefully, you won’t get symptoms because you’ll be self-quarantined. I have no comment about the drugs as they are unproven at this time. The best way to stop this virus is to practice the CDC recommendations about social distancing and washing your hands.

Again, we are on pause. So during this time, let’s think about how we are going forward into the future. After this is over in two, three, four months… what are we going to do for the reset? 

Please stay safe. If there is anything we can help you with, please email us at info@alzheimersprevention.org.

Here’s to your health,

Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa
ARPF President / Medical Director

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