Here we are, celebrating the end of this challenging year and hopeful for the New Year.
Indeed, there are many reasons for hope: the Covid-19 vaccine, more jobs and a better economy, fewer lockdowns and more social interaction, and being able to be with our friends and family again.
At your ARPF, we also are hopeful – for more advances in Alzheimer’s prevention.
But we can’t do it without you.
Will you help us create a Bright End to 2020 for your ARPF?
Please help us curb the other pandemic: Alzheimer’s, and help save our families.
If you have already donated, our heartfelt Thanks!
If you haven’t, I invite you to join us – we are a community that cares and would love to have you part of our efforts.
Here’s to #ABrightEndto2020 for all of us!
Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director