
Increased consciousness and cognition is the final frontier of Alzheimer’s prevention. Developing your Spiritual Fitness, or psycho-spiritual well-being, may very well help you reduce your risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and even Alzheimer’s.

Spiritual Fitness is gained by following the ARPF’s Alzheimer’s Prevention Program, and especially the second Pillar: Stress Management. Sometimes it comes automatically with maturity as well.

Aspects of Spiritual Fitness are outlined here:

  • Socialization or being with like-minded people
  • Acceptance and forgiveness of yourself and others
  • Patience and allowing yourself to be in the moment
  • Compassion and empathy towards yourself and others
  • Purpose or meaning in life via self-discovery and building your legacy
  • Sense of spirituality, regardless of origin or religion, makes you happier
  • Volunteering or service without thought of self-reward is a very beneficial, life-affirming act

Modern research suggests that some of the most striking brain benefits of Spiritual Fitness are:

  • Reversal of amyloid plaque, which may increase risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Improvement in your genes via healthier telomeres
  • Slowing of Alzheimer’s progression

Finally, Spiritual Fitness may also contribute to brain health and is a proven defense against Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and even Alzheimer’s. Spiritual fitness is the combination of attributes of psychological well-being, such as contentment, socialization, and having a purpose or mission in life, combined with spiritual well-being, that includes service to others and the ongoing search for peace of mind. Spiritual fitness contributes directly to your ability to maintain a high level of mental function as you age.

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