
The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation (ARPF) is dedicated to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by funding research studies and providing educational outreach and memory screenings.
On the Cover:
• President’s Message
Page 2:
• Donor List – Thank You!
Page 3:
• What Others Are Saying
Page 4:
• ARPF Outreach Update
• Outreach Calendar
Page 5:
• ARPF Research Update
Page 6-7:
• Continued Donor List –
Thank You!
Page 8:
• ARPF Store

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Randal Brooks, MA, LPC
TREASURER (interim)
Kirti K. Khalsa
Kirti K. Khalsa
Carolyn Lucz
Simran S. Stuelpnagel
Tryn Rose Seley
Chief Scientific Advisor
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Boston, MA
Ma Gloria Borras-Boneu, M.D.
GRD Health Institute – Barcelona, Spain
Karen E. Innes, MSPH, Ph.D.
Western Virginia University School of Public Health – Morgantown, WV
Miia Kivipelto, M.D., Ph.D.
Aging Research Center and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Karolinska Institute – Stockholm, Sweden
Karen Koffler, M.D.
Medical Director, Canyon Ranch Miami Beach Miami Beach, FL
Helen Lavretsky, M.D., M.S.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry UCLA Semel Institute and Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital – Los Angeles, CA
George Perry, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor, College of Sciences University of Texas at San Antonio – San Antonio, TX
Michelle Sierpina, Ph.D.
Founding Director
UTMB Osher Institute for Lifelong Learning University of Texas Medical Branch – Galveston, TX

On Monday, July 13, 2015, I attended The White House Conference on Aging. It was an exhilarating and stimulating experience for the 200 personally-invited people there, including me, that were privileged to attend this once-a-decade event.The main theme of the conference was that aging need not be a time of degeneration, but rather with planning, and the practice of certain life style measures, aging can be a time of activity, fun, and enlightenment.At the AARP reception the night before the conference, I had the opportunity to speak to 2 great super agers at the conference. One 93-year-old man attended the very first conference in 1961. He said the key to his longevity is staying mentally active; he went to work every day until recently. And now that he’s retired, he’s speaking out on behalf of staying mentally active.
I also spoke to an 89-year-old woman from New York. She said that the best thing about
aging is that she no longer cares what other people think, and feels freer than ever before.
Major goals discussed at the conference included finding ways to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease by 2025. As a search for a medication to prevent or cure it remains elusive, it behooves us to make use of the positive, evidence-based lifestyle research that now exists, and put it to good use in our lives. Indeed, the answers to Alzheimer’s prevention may lie in your own hands, and legs, and even your mouth. So let’s renew our efforts to make the ARPF’s “4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention” a way of life.
1. Diet, food choices that include a plant-based Mediterranean-style diet, low in red meat.
2. Stress Management, with the regular practice of yoga and meditation, especially with Kirtan Kriya, our well-researched, simple 12-minute Brain-Enhancement Meditation Exercise that is safe, affordable, fast, effective and easy.
3. Physical and Mental Exercise, beneficial aerobics for the body and mind.
4. Spiritual Fitness, including service, enjoying the company of like-minded people, and living your mission and purpose in life.
Of course, we at the ARPF have been championing those ideas for over two decades. I’m happy to say they are now becoming mainstream. In this newsletter, we acknowledge more than 1,300 donors, for which we are very grateful. Your contributions keep our research going strong.
Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Founding President/Medical Director
THANK YOU to Our Generous Donors!
APRIL to JUNE 2015 | ||
Donations Made In Honor Of: The Deacon Family Dawn TullyIn Memory Of:Ann and John O’Dwyer Maureen Rube Arvilla M. Eason Betty Benton Betty Jahn and Ethel Krenzke Gladys Bluemel Joan Lipsey Larry Wright and Olga Lange Mrs. Zosia Wiklinski, Robert Gordon Hayes Sonja Brown Teresa Marie Miller Wade Davis and Robert Dickens |
The ARPF is a proud participant in the following workplace campaigns: Aetna Foundation AmazonSmile Foundation American Express AT&T Bank of America British Telecom Citigroup CVS Discover General Mills IBM Liberty Insurance Lockheed Martin Microsoft National Instruments Corporation Pacific Gas & Electric Company Roll Giving United Health United Way Wells Fargo ![]()
Individual Donations Many Anonymous Donors Susan Abbate Becky Abel Michael A. Abraczinskas Kathleen Ackermann Camille Acred Gregory Adams Christopher O. Adeloye Renee L. Ahlf Towana Aiken Harris Tamara Aires Christopher Akil Cathy R. Akroyd Nicole Albert Tanya L. Albro Melvin T. Alexander Mazhar M. Ali Arthur Allen Patrice M. Allen Robert D. Allen Brenda Allen-Curtis Leslie Anchors George Andersib L. C. Anderson Lorraine Anderson Pastti Anderson Yolanda M. Anderson Keith Andrews Rachelle A. Angelo Connie B. Angelos Anthony Anthony Arthur R. Apicella |
Shawn Aquino Kathleen Arberg Stephen A. Arbona Amy Archambeau Samantha M. Archey Gavin Arita David M. Armoza David Arnold Elaine Arnold Donna L. Ashworth David J. Asiello Ronald L. Attaquin Carrie Aultman Jonathan Austin Penny M. Ayers Helen A. Azevedo-Smith Douglas B Vincent Matthew Baca Karen Bachmann William T. Backof Aaron Bacon Matt Bahl Carl E. Baker Clyde Baker William Clifton Baldwin Deborah Ball Jessica Ballard Juan Baltazar Lindsay Baltes Laura L. Bandemer-Purifoy Ruth M. Barak Rosalinda B. Barboza Sharon Barger Cassie Michelle Barnett |
Paul Barnett Kevin D. Baron John Barrows Dean Barsaleau Elizabeth Bartholomew Darlene Bartlett Joyce Barton William H. Bassichis Jean Bates Arnett J. Baxter Karen Bazinet Karie Becht Jack Becker Mark W. Beddoes Laurie Beebe Evita Belcher Jimmie Bell Katina B. Bell Monica M. Bell Patricia H. Bell Steve R. Benavides Richard E. Benson Cindy Bentley Michael P. Berarducci David A. Bergantino Joyce C. Bernard Joseph F. Bertrand Marla Bianco Jennifer M. Biber Ella C. Biggerstaff Dagny Bilkadi George Binckley Timothy Biocic Beverly Bishop |
Aprille N. Black Michelle Black Jennifer Blackwell Peggy J. Blackwell Donna Y. Blackwell-Cooke W. H. Blakemore Laura A. Bloch Donna Blubaugh Vanessa Bobadilla Julian Boggan Stephen Michael Boggs Karen Bolton Timothy Boncoskey Julianna M. Boor Faith Border Carlos Borges Courtney B. Boscoe James Bourne Yolanda D. Bowden Deborah L. Bowen Richard Bowen, Jr. Carolyn Bowles Carolyn Bowles Sara Bowne Monticue Boyd Donna Boyde Allison P Boye Robert A. Boyette Darina P. Brackeen Jeffrey S. Brackeen Emily K. Bradshaw Violet C. Brantley Kiesha Braswell Robyn J. Brayton |
Christopher Breckenridge Sue Bremner David Brener Janet B. Brennan Michael Brennan James Bridgers, Jr. Michael F. Bridges Connie Briggs Danita Brooks Susan Brooks Lisa M. Broselow Jaime Broussard James J. Brown, Jr. Daniel E. Brown Karen A. Brown Virginia Brown Anne Brundage Sharon Bruscato Jeffrey Brutsche Timothy Bubenik William Buckley Shawn Michael Burke Sara Burnham Elizabeth Burridge Nancy L. Burritt James H. Burton Anthony C. Butts Kevin J. Byrne Virginia M. Byrnes Richard T. Bytner Elena F. Cabrera Philip Cala Ivan Calderon Eugene Caldwell …continued below |
I have been in the fitness industry for 48 years. I have multiple certifications and teach a variety of populations, as well as being a wellness coach. I was drawn to ARPF after I picked up your brochures at a YogaFit conference. After reading, I was blown away by the statistics and the possibility of prevention, especially the Kirtan Kriya, which I was already familiar with through Kundalini Yoga.
We are all aging every day! I pass out brochures and teach the Kriya. All of my students are extremely interested in healthy aging. Taking charge of your health is important at any age, especially in seniors. I promote movement, body and mind, to keep us all enjoying life.
Ann Murphy of Monticello, Georgia

Outreach Update
On June 4-7, we exhibited at the Symposium of Yoga Therapy and Research in Newport Beach, California to share the results of ARPF research on the lifestyle approach to the prevention of memory loss and Alzheimer’s Disease. Over 400 people attended our presentation on the scientific results of yoga-based therapeutic interventions.
On July 13, the ARPF was invited to attend the 2015 White House Conference on Aging, held at The White House in Washington, DC. This conference takes place once every 10 years, and makes recommendations to improve the lives of older adults. It was an honor to participate in this conference.
On July 19-23, we participated in the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Washington, DC in two ways. We led a poster presentation about the first results of the study that’s underway at UCLA – Department of Psychiatry (see below for more on this study), and we had an exhibit booth to present the revised White Paper with a detailed description of 10 years of research, and advocate for lifestyle modalities to keep a healthy brain with age. Our work was well-received, and it was exciting to meet researchers from all over the world who share the same interest in the Four Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention. See them listed above in the President’s Message, and on our website under Prevention.
The ARPF is coming near you! Please keep an eye out for us in your community, look at www.AlzheimersPrevention.org for our latest travels, to join our efforts, and to support us through donations and volunteering. Thank you!
OCTOBER 28-30, 2015
Symposium of Yoga Research
Study at UCLA with Dr. Helen Lavretsky
“Changes in the Functional Brain Connectivity and Verbal Memory Performance Following Yoga or Memory Training in Older Adults with Subjective Memory Complaints”
“Yoga and meditation
can help people with
Alzheimer’s feel happier
and find peace…”
Helen Lavretsky, M.D. is professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, and the Director of the Late-Life Mood, Stress and Wellness research program at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. Dr. Khalsa presented a poster session at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in July on behalf of this group about the ongoing study, comparing brain function and verbal memory performance for one group: those who do yoga, and the other group: those who do other memory training methods.
Dr. Lavretsky reports that, to date, “We have completed recruitment of 85 subjects and (completed MRI) imaging of 25.”
UCLA is developing a new integrative mental health program, and plans to add a group combining both yoga and memory training at the Motion Picture and Television Fund (MPTF) Health Care in Los Angeles.
From a “Yoga Journal” blog, Dr. Lavretsky says:
“Chronic stress and related stress hormones could negatively affect brain structures important for memory and cognition, like the hippocampus. Chronic stress is also associated with inflammation in the body, and in the central nervous system and the brain that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders of aging. Yoga can reduce stress hormones and inflammatory factors, and teach an individual over time how to cope more effectively and protect the body from going through the stress response.” She notes that the younger you are when you start practicing yoga and meditation, the better.
“A growing number of studies, including ours, are showing positive brain and cognitive changes with practice, as well as benefits in longtime meditators compared to novices…Yoga and meditation can help people with Alzheimer’s feel happier and find peace, especially those in the early stages who are struggling with the reality of memory loss.”
Your ARPF is funding this study. Research will be completed before the new year, so stay tuned for the findings.
APRIL to JUNE 2015 |
John F. Callahan Andrew J. Calletto Susan Camarena Erin Heather Campbell Karen Elizabeth Campbell Yvonne Candelario-Morgan Carroll C. Cannon Lee Elaina M. Cantrell Martha Cantu Allan Capute Margaret Carey Sarah Carl Richard Carlson Karen Carola Annie B. Carr Cynthia R. Carr Daniel C. Carroll Deena Carroll Raymond Carroll Anthony Carruthers Latonya C. Carter Phyllis Carter Rosemary N. Carter Vernon Carter Steven Carvalho Jeffrey M. Casillo Lorraine M. Casparino Cassandra Cassidy Brandon J. Casso Dorothy M. Caster Gerard A. Castellanos Sindulfo Castillo Richanne Cavanagh Alexia Caviglia Gerard Lance Cazeault Lindsey Ceballos Cynthia Chambers Ashley W. Chamblee Deborah S. Champlin Peter Chandler Patricia A. Chappell Ruth Chemerys Gail Chimel Erica Chin Lisa Chulock Robert A. Cimler Jeffrey A. Clapp Kenneth A. Clark Billy L. Clark Lawrence Clark Mark Clark Nelanette V. Clemmons Gerard Clifford Jeanne Rosemarie Clifford Trisha L. Clinkscales |
Stephen Coan Letitia Cockerham Lucille Cockerham Patricia Cody Barbara A. Coffelt Christopher Coffman Scott R. Cohen Crystal Coleman Stephanie Coleman Jennifer M. Collier Karen Collins Patricia A. Collins Kimberly F. Columbia Larry Colvard Wayne M. Combes Coby Condrey Anfelia Conn Alexis Connelly Thomas Conner Joseph Conroy Diane Conti Loretta Conyers Matthew J. Cook Michael C. Cook Randall R. Coonley Robert Copes Edward Corich Walker Cottingham Jeanmichel M. Coughlin Nikita Council Deleen Cousineau Josephine Covino Gary D. Cox Stephen Cox Latrenda Crane James Crawford Rebecca Cromwell Bruce E. Cross Mary L. Crow Nicholas Alan Crowell Renate Crowley Barbara Crutchfield Barbara Crutchfield Hector A. Cruz Daniel M. Cryan Christopher Culbert Krystal Culler Audria Cummings Terry Cummings Phillip Mark Curran Joseph Cutaran Philomena D’Alessandro Bibi Dalrymple Tashiana B. Dancer Jacqueline H. Daniels |
Mark Daniels Raphael Daniels Robert Daniels Chris Daniewicz Karen Danner Robert M. Danser Tuan V. Dao Yaw A. Darkwah Heidi L. Dauria Sadegh Davari Sandra Davidson Roderick H. Davis, Jr. Darselle V. Davis Edmond Davis Jeffery Davis Mary L. Davis Richard D. Davis, Jr. Stephanie Davis Stephanie Sawyer Davis Steve E. Davis Janice Davis-Wilson Jennifer Daws Daniel J. Decicco Ashleigh M. Decker Kimberly C. Decosta Jacqueline Decou Erik J. Demarco Lawrence Demille-Wagman Heather Denard Karen Denton Lisa Depiano Connie L. Derikito Nancy Devanna Monika Devay Timothy Devens Connie Devore Josie Ann DeWilde Juanita Diaz Ava W. Dickens Ricardo Dicocco Frederick R. Diehlmann, III Michael Dodd Deborah Dodson Mary Jane Doleatti Antonio Donis Catherine N. Douglass Michael Downey Doris E. Doyle Melinda Doyle Edward A. Drago Jeffrey Dreiwitz Laura A. Drew Kristin M. Drummond Jeffrey R. Dryden Jennifer Dubois |
Tammy Dubuis Andrew J. Dudenhoeffer Angela Dugger Jerri Duncan Dani Duniho Betty J. Dunn Jacqueline Dye Judy Dysart Mary M. Eary Linda Eccles Kathleen Economy Samantha Edmiston Kynda Edmondson Wyetha Edoizin Elaine Edwards James Edwards Myra Edwards Wendi Carol Edwards Maurreen Egan Bethany Alyssa Ell Montover Megan Ellington Joyce Elliotte Anthony Engemann David G. Enochian Lesley Ensley Soledad Escajeda Carolyn J. Esswein Robert Estep Bolithia R. Etheridge Nicholas Evangelopoulos Ashley Mishelle Evans Angela Evans Barbara Evans Kathryn A. Evans Melissa J. Evans Phileana V. Evans Sarah E. Evans Antoinette Everett April Everett Chad Everett V. Eyerly Neill R. Fagley Audasha Fain Vicki Fairchild Vincent Falsetta Laura L. Famuliner Anne Fanelli Horace D. Farrar Ryan D. Farrington Gretchen Fau Terri A. Faver Dominic Fedele Dominic Fedele Sharon Lynn Fedkiw |
Roland S. Fehgali Teresa Feinauer J. L. Felias Lecia Felix Gina Femali James M. Fernandez Roger Ferriel Douglas Ferrier Michael Fields Angelica M. Figueroa Jire Figueroa Dale Fine John Finnegan Glenda Finney James Fisher Jason M. Fisher Jessie Fisher Patrick Flaherty James J. Flattery Jeffrey Fleeger Amy Fleming Marshall E. Fleming Duane C. Flemming William R. Fletcher Jose Flores Lucy Flores Nina Follis Mark A. Forshtay Ella Foshay Gary Foster Joshua A. Fox Richard Fox Thomas A. Fox Marcella E. Franczkowski Glory A. Franklin Robert Franklin Mary Melissa Lisa Frazier Jaime A. Freitas, Jr. Yolonda R. Frierson Christopher Frost Terrence Frost Patricia L. Frye Martha M. Fullemann William Fuller M. Fung Kathleen A. Furey Tamara A. Gage Dalia Garcia Ronald Garcia Elaine Gary Marta Garza Ian Gates Katherine Gedney Charlotte E. Gee Lisa G. Geist |
Charlotte Romero Rudy Romero Rachel Blume Romine Diana Ronning Juan Rosado Alfredo Rosalez Mark K. Rosewicz Jennifer Ross Martine Rothblatt, Ph.D. Robert Rourke Donovan L. Routsis Richard G. Rozier James Rubino Linda Ruddy Anna E. Rugo Kelly L. Rulison Peter Russell Leslie A. Rutter Anne Ryan Casey S. Hurt John S. Marjorie Sabbagh Darlene A. Sadowski Veronica L. Sailor Stefanie Salerno Delia Salinas Machelle Sandoval Hector Santiago Mayra Santiago Stephanie A. Santmyers Michael Sapp Maria Sapyta Dawn Saunders Kendra C. Sawyer Erin S. Saynuk Frank A. Scannapieco Elizabeth Scarlett Mark Schaefer Jeffery O. Schaffner Jean M. Schaid Kathryn Schaum Thomas Schleiger Thomas Schellingerhout Diane Schmit Barbara Schmitt Lisa Holtz Schneider Zachary J. Schneider Jennifer Schoeller Joseph Schwartz Peter Scirrotto Francis Scott Hilda Scott Marie Scott Sam Segran Genevieve G. Segura John Selewski Pilar Serrano Ann L. Severine Stephen E. Severn Jane Sewald |
Bryan K. Shaw Corey Sheakoski Keri Beth Sanborn Sheehan Karen Sheen Warren Sherard Deirdre Sherman Latese Shockley Cheryl K. Shoen Jill S. Shoneman Daniel Shoor Jeffrey Shope Susan Shriver Kimberly Eileen Shurupoff Michelle Sierpina, Ph.D. Vivien K. Silber Paul B. Silverman Won B. Sim Meranda Simmons Robin Simmons Callie M. Simon Heather Simonsen Ladarrious Sims Sean E. Sindler Nancy Singer Michael Slagle Erin M. Slough Susan Smiley Annette S. Smith David Smith Donna Smith Justin Smith Kathryn J. Smith Margaret M. Smith Shannon V. Smith Stacy M. Smith Sandra S. Sojka Christine Sondag Jane A. Southard Darci Southworth John B. Southworth Jill Spaeth Deirdre Spaulding-Yeoman Nancy W. Speagle Delois Spearman Thomas W. Spehnkouch David Spendel David Spendel Kenneth R. Spiert Michael J. Spinelli Glen Spinler Rebecca H. Spitzgo John Spooner Dana G. Springer Jeanette Spruill William Squyres Albert Srubar St. Patrick’s Church Steven Stafford Bradley T. Starnes Ned T. Statchen |
Julie Steele Mary Steinley Ed Stely Sharon Stephens Alice C. Stewart Daniel L. Stickle Brian Stickney Michele Stiebing Steven Stiglic Blake Still Kristin Stober Charles W. Stone Ted Stout Leonidas Stratakos Shamette D. Streat David Strickland Dara Sullivan Michael Sullivan Carol M. Sutherland Jill L. Sutphin Jaimy Suydam Nancy Sweeney Daniel Swenson Michael C. Szupper David Tabler Yayoi Takeuchi Anoop Takhar Michael Tanzman Mark Tarallo Simone M. Tate Rebecca C. Tatham Lisa Taylor Michelle Taylor Nancy Taylor Sandra Taylor Donna K. Teat Jean Tennison Iris Teramoto Stephen Termaath Nancy Teschke Ashley L. Tessneer Trayce A. Thalheimer Angela Thomas Debra M. Thomas Diane Thomas Tina Thomas April N. Thomopoulos Jon D. Thompson Joshua D. Thompson Matthew A. Thompson Steven R. Thompson Oliver Thornton Ben Thorpe Toni Todd Jose Toledo Lauro Hugh Tom Thomas Tomko James Toohey Orlando Torres Rosalie M. Torres |
Maria R. Torres-Vinson R. L. Toth Kimberly A. Touman Alan J. Traigle Kandi J. Triner Sarah Trobaugh Brian J. Tucker Michael Tunnicliff Colleen Turner Robert Turner Roland Turner Catherine Finch Tuttle James Tyler Annamarie Ugoletti Rebecca Urban-Chavez Melissa Urbansky Brenda Urbina Felicia Urias Lynne Urquhart Wilson Usma Sidney J. Usry A. Vains Nicole M. Valdez Donna Van Nostrand Steven J. Van Straten A. J. VandenBlink Dale J. Vandusen Lance Vann Nancy Vasil Srinivasa R. Veeramallu Tammy Viecelli Lisa Villamil Robert J. Villers Samara I. Viner-Brown Sara R. Vollmer Karen L. Vourvopoulos Willie Wade Bruce Wagner Cheryl A. Wagner Helen C. Wahl April Walker Hannah Walker Michael Walker Sherrylyn F. Wallace Amy S. Waller Brian D. Walton Francis A. Ward James Ward Joseph A. Ward Audra Warner Mary E. Warren Frances R. Washington Patricia Washington Pamela P. Watkins Samuel P. Watkins Amanda Watson Karan L. Watson Sherry Weatherly Alexandrea K. Webb Lowell Webb |
Gary Weber Phyllis Weber Sherre Weeks Kerry A. Weithman Maura F. Welch Patrick C. Weld Shaun M. Wendler Susan Wenzel Linda West Jeff Weston Michael Douglas Whelan Barbara Y. White Denise White Mike D. White Robin M. Whitehurst Alfred Whitley Kelli M. Whitley Beth Wiggins Helen Wiklund Bruce Williams Crystal A Williams Denise A. Williams Robin M. Williams Paul R. Willis Shawn Willis Mary A. Willmon Candice Wilmer Dorothy A. Wilson Matthew Wilson Russell L. Wilson Scott Wilson Theresa A. Winkelman Rhonda E. Withers Cheryl Wnorowski Darla Wolf Kristie N. Wolfenbarger Tessa M. Wong Susan Wood Blanca Woodard Toni Woodward Cynthia A. Woody Edward M. Wooldridge Kathryn Wortz Kathy Wright Doreen Wronecki Chuhwa Wu Maureen Wu John Wyland Philip Yacovoni Maria Yanez Racquel Young Stephen Young Nancy C. Zbyszinski Melinda Zeimantz Jianzhi Zhang Mikhail Zhirnov Karen Zinn Mohammad Zolfagharian |
Michael M. Gendy Kathy L. Geniesse Debra Genovese Andrea Gentry Madison L. Gentry Dave A. Ghatt Elizabeth Gibbs William F. Gibeault Kathlena Gibson Camille H. Gilliam Emmanuel Giutierrez Give with Liberty Shawanda Givens J. Glynn Kenneth Goben Brandon Goblirsch Matthew Goff Glenda Ann Goins Yael Gold Nechama Goldberg Richard F. Gomez Elsa Gonzales Hector Gonzalez, Jr. Rosalia Gonzalez Julie D. Goodlick Kenneth E. Goodling Joseph Gordon Sandra M. Gordon-Salant Sally Goslin Adrienne E. Gould Michael T. Goupil Richard C. Graeff Penny M. Graham James Grande Jennifer Gray Debbie Green Kimberly R. Green Phillipe Greene Richard E. Greene Cody Gregg Tiffany Griffin Sabra Grimes Sandy Gross Dorit Grossbard Mo Grossman Jamie N. Gualtieri Dalila Guerrero Zachary R. Guetersloh Alice Gumbs David Gustamante Daniel Gutierrez Dora I. Gutierrez Ioannis A. Hadjipanteli Debra Hafert Adam Haggerty Anthony R. Haler Marsha D. Hall Myron Hall Anna M. Hallock |
Bradley L. Hallock Carrie Haman Sarah A. Hamilton Jeff Hamm Rodney Hamm Teryl Hammond Erica L. Hampton Vickie L. Hampton Stephen P. Hanchuruck Gregory Hand Debra J. Handerson Kenneth Hanks Desiree Hanna Michelle T. Hardy Sandra Hardy Michelle Harkins Craig A. Harms Sharon Harrington Irene J. Hart Carey B. Hatch III Dana Hattabaugh Elizabeth L. Havlik Andrea J. Hawk John C. Hawkins Michael Haycock Joel Heaton Alison P. Heckel Jonel F. Hein Lynn M. Hein Shaye Heins Kristen R. Hemby Jess Henderson Linda Henderson Thaddaeus L. Henderson William Henderson Kelley Henry Alicia J. Herbert Charles F. Hermann Roberta Hermann Agustin Hernandez Gabriel D. Herrera Susan Herrera Elizabeth Hersch Margaret Hewitt Joanne Hickey Robert M Hickey Earl D. Hicks, Jr. Mary Hicks Tiffany T. Hicks Kathy Hinds Gerald F. Hines Tracey A. Hines Yolanda Moniqu Hines Sonia J. Hobbs Tracy Ann Hockman Carolyn A. Hodge Michelle Hodge Rachel Hodge Nancy Hoeser |
Katherine M. Hoffer Harriette Holland Kristian Hollingshead Sandra W. Hollomon Glenda Holmes Sarah Hopkins Tracy Hopkins Kendall L. Hopper David Horan Karen Griffin Horne Stacey M. Horvitz Ricky Hoskins Sheena House Andrea Reese Howard Harlan Howard Carolyn E. Howe Paul J. Huang Linda Hubbard Marjorie R. Hubbard Jeffrey W. Hubbell Marcus Huertas Walter B. Huffman Debra A. Hughes Travis Hughes Enid Huskiewicz Wilba Hussey Debby Hutchins Sylvia Huyck Calandria Hypolite Robert Ibbotson Jorge Ithierpiza Delores Jackson Glen L. Jackson Hope Jackson Janet Jackson Valerie Jackson Wayne Jacobs Scott Jacobson Susan James David Jaros Mary J. Jarvis Allana D. Jasper Audrey Y. Jenkins Ryan E. Jenkins Betty J. Johnson C. S. Johnson Carol Johnson Erika L. Johnson Heather R. Johnson Jean C. Johnson Kelly L. Johnson Michael W. Johnson Rachel Johnson Tiffany Johnson Jeanette M. Johnson- Warren Andrew J. Johnston Austin Jones Cathy Jones |
Cydney Jones G. Jones Gary Jones Jimmie Jones Michael Jones Joe Jr. Rodriguez Margaret Judge Laura Junge M. M. Junker Fredric Kaehler Nicholas S. Karadimas Alexa Kaskowitz Margaret Keaproth John G. Kearney Donald Keiser Robert F. Kelly Keyta Jernigan Kemp Kenneth E. Kemper Jeffrey Kempic Jeanne Kennedy Obra L. Kent Katherine J. Kerchner Jerry Kerlee Ryan Kerns Julianne M. Kerr Heather M. Kester Dr. Dharma Khalsa Kirti Khalsa Caitlin King Khoury Kevin C. Kiefer Harry Kieling Andrea J. Kilbourne Remington Kilfoil Melanie Kilgore Marsha Kilian Joseph Killien Davilene Killman Douglas K. Kim Young S. Kim Lilly M. Kimrey David King George F. King Mollie King Deborah Kinney Leslie Kirt Rolph Robert H. Kirk James A. Kitchens Sharon S. Kittrell Patricia Klebba Patricia R. Klebba Sandra M. Kleckner Eileen Klein Adam Klein Martha M. Klein Linda Klemm Ethan Knapp James Knapp Daniel Kneita Diane Koren |
Brandy F. Kosh Richard A. Kovatch Terry Kraft Donald Kreinbrink Darrell Krouse Katherine K. Krueger Carolyn Krupp James Kuchta Kimberly Kulpanowski Suzanne S. Kumashiro Loreta Kurkowski Kent Kuyumjian Joe Kynet Renee Laborde Wendy Lafontaine Susan Lagasse Jack Lambert Donna Landon Calvin M. Lane Leigh B. Lane Steven H. Lange Anna Langford Kevin E. Lanning James S. Larkin Maria Larrea Leanne Larson Silvia I. Larue Regina Lau Michele J. Laudenbacher Wendy R. Lawhorn Mark Lawrence Robert J. Leclair Alvia Lee Arkil N. Lee Linda Lee Sandra K. Lee Jean A. Leeson Christopher D. Lemanski Brian J. Leonard Daryl A. Lester Christian Leuz Charlotte E. Levin Michael Levitz Chris Lewis Dawn L. Lewis Patricia S. Lewis David C. Ley Royce Lippert Delle Livingston Denise E. Livingston James Lockhart Ashley L. Lohr Silvia Lom-Ajan Cynthia Jolynn Longoria Hector Lopez Angela Mary Lord Cynthia Loudon Bobby L. Louis Raine M. Love |
Gary W. Lowe Robert Lowe Michelle S. Lowesolis Mirtha Lozano Melissa A. Lucio Carl Luhtjarv Joseph Lukinich Davis B. Lumpkin G. D. Lunn Larry D. Lyon Angelica Belinda Lyons Lisa E. Lyons Shawntrise Lyons William Macfarland Hill Dennis Macy Barb Madden-Bittle Lavan Maddox Emmanuel Madlansacay Deborah Madrigal Michael Dennis Malarkey Donna E. Maler Thomas Malia Cheryl L. Manley-Lott James E. Mann III Cameron Manning Lucinda C. Mantz Ariel Manuel Patricia Mark Jeff Marsh Christopher Andrew Martin Geraldine Martin Leigh Martin Regina K. Martin Susan Crisp Martin Ward Martindale Concepcion Martinez Efren Martinez Esther A. Martinez Paula Massey Vickie Massey-Eide G. L. Matranga Hope S. Matthews Lloyd Matzner Kendall Mau Robert Mayhew William Dwayne Maynard Lawrence Mazzola Marquis Mcbride Debra Mccaffery Kathleen Mccaig Drusilla Ann Mccarley Patricia Mccartney Whitney W. Mccarty Thelma T. McClellan Doni Mcclelland Melissa D. Mcconnell Barbara J. McDermott Craig J. Mcdonald Walter L. Mcdonald |
Larry Mcdowell Teresa Mcferren Nancy McGlinchey Karen F. Mcgrath Darick A. McGriff Shirley H. Mckoy Shannon D. Mclaren Jacqueline E. Mclaughlin Marquadealsandro Mcleod Matthew C. McMillen Kelly B. Mcnamara Patti Mcneill Shirlene A. Mcneill Shauna Mcsherry Gary Meden Steven R. Medina Jerry Medina Jessica Medrano Bruce Meleski James B. Melton Kathleen Melvin Doris Mendiola Venugopal Mendu Ena C. Meng Kent W. Meredith Joseph Meyers Leighton Michaelson Richard Michi Bruce Miebs Ami Miell Sheila Milbrath Leigh Milla Leon Cynthia Millard Catherine A. Miller Gerald Miller Naomi J. Miller Lorie Milling Andrew Mintier Kristian J. Mirabile Nancy Mishalanie Louis L. Mitchell Monique T. Mitchell Johnny Mixon Isabel Monjeau Allison Monroe Carol M. Montalto Wilfredo M. Montalvo- Ramos Joan M. Montgomery Matthew Richard Montovani Ramona Montreuil Hazel R. Moody Edward L. Moore Fran Moore Jeanette Moore Matthew Moore Alice Morales Richard Moran James Morello |
Conrado Moreno Kelly S. Morgan Margaret Morgan William M. Morgante Michael Morin Timothy R. Morris Roslyn Mosiey Kathy Mothley Rita Moss Marvin C. Most Gary R. Moulton Janet Mrs. Motley Daniel Mullarkey Lynn Mullen Joan Muller Jeremy Mullis Philip D. Mulroy Geraldine Mund Debra K. Munoz Richard M. Murray Brandon Myers Denise F. Myers Gerald P. Myers Jacquelyn Myers Lori E. Myers Verna Nall Debra B. Naphys Christopher J. Napolillo Heidi Nassauer Jason Alexander Neal Debra Neal Lastanton S. Neal Jessica Neff Kurt Nelson Abbie Nestler Melissa J. Nething Amy C. Newsom Thuyet Nguyen Barbara A. Nichols Deborah Nickles Linda Niederman Felix E. Nienstadt Janice Noble John H. Nussbaum Rochelle A. Oba Kimberly S. Obrochta Roisin O’Donnell Michael Okin Cary R. Oldham Jennifer Oleksywhite Norma L. Olivarez Damien D. Oliver Deborah Olsen Joan Olson Richard Oneill Sarah Orantes Maria Ornelas Nurja Orriols Agnes Ortiz |
Lane O’Toole Autumn E. Outlaw Ellen G. Owens Delma Ozuna Jeffrey Pacini Carol L. Pappas Wendy R.B. Paradis Bianca Pardo Christopher Parillo Edward Parker Marie B. Parker Kelli Parks Nadine B. Parnell Danielle Parrish Christopher J. Parsell Arthur R. Parsons Steven M. Partenheimer James R. Paterson David Patrick Alice K. Pau Sonya K. Paulus Diane S. Pawlowicz Patricia Payette Michael Payne Brian C. Pearson Christopher J. Peddycoat John P. Pede Aaron G. Pelzer Todd D. Pember Jesus M. Pena Chelsea Pentecost Cheryl Peoples Sara A. Perdue Maria Perez Anthony R. Perry Jonathan C. Perry Deborah Peters John S. Peters Aaron C. Peterson Timothy Peterson Elizabeth Petras William F. Petronis James Pickering Paulette Pierce Roger Pierce Tamra M. Pierce Elena Pietron Glenna M. Pirner Lucille Pointer William Polito Dennis Polo Phyllis Pond Christine L. Pool Cynthia Pope Erin L. Porr Kathy Powell Jean L. Powers Tiffani Pruitt Larry D. Pulliam |
Ashley M. Quicke Janice Quiroz Perez Timothy Rabb Marsha Racey-Stilwell Theresa Francis Rahikka Joseph P. Rail Brittany Rainey Charles T. Rairdon Janet J. Rakes Donald J. Raleigh Daniel W. Ramer Eddy Ramirez Marisa Ramirez Thelma Ramirez Christi Randazzo Racine Robe Randolph R. E. Rankin Kelly L. Reagan Megan E. Reasor Judy A. Reid Renee S. Reid Steven W. Reitmann Andy Rembert Jeanine A. Reynolds Martha Rhodes John Ribezzo Stephen Ricci Jill A. Richardson Lori M. Richardson Mary Ann Richmond Fayann L. Ridgley Cynthia Riggins Lajoyce Riley Richard E. Riley Amy Riordan Saori Rivera Stephanie Rivers Patricia Roach Donna Robbins Joseph M. Robbins Kimberly Fay Roberts Lisa Roberts Tyra D. Roberts Ella Robertson Katherine E. Robinson Marcia N. Robinson Rachel Robles Anthony Rocha Robert Rocha Robert Roche Analis Rodriguez Danielle Rodriguez Rosa Rodriguez Mary Rogers David M. Rohmer Guadalupe Rojo, Jr. Jackie Roller Leslie Kirk Rolph Carol Roman |
for items like these:

ARPF research reveals that doing the Kirtan Kriya yoga meditation for 12 minutes a day improves memory, concentration, and attention. This exercise also increases mental energy, improves your genes, and decreases depression and inflammation.Minimum Donation: $20ARPF BRACELET WITH ELEPHANT MEDALLION
“An elephant never forgets.” ARPF has a memory band with an elephant charm to remind us of the kind of mind we can have – a sharp mind, if we follow the 4 Pillars of Prevention™. This bracelet reminds you that you can not only prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease, but help eradicate it as well. Join us in our mission by purchasing a memory band for yourself and those you love.
Minimum Donation: $25
S&H is included for both items within the USA

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